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Perfect Thiever AIO


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i'm not sure why but this script never seems to work when i try to pickpocket knights of ardougne. It occasionally doesn't work with other things but thats usually after an update and fix soon after, but knights haven't worked for me in ages. once the script starts up it just freezes on the xp saying calculating and the mouse never moves

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  • Maldesto changed the title to Perfect Thiever
On 03/09/2017 at 5:36 PM, Czar said:

@Han what did you set the stun timer to? Npcs all have different stun delays, as for webwalking I will most likely reduce the delays for action timer so the webwalker goes faster I guess, which webwalk option?

Activated trials gl guys :D 

I'm doing Master Farmer and setting it to around 4500ms-5000ms, seems to be too long but even after 10-15 minutes it still spam clicks when stunned.

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