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Perfect Thiever AIO


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Hi so ive been using this bot for a little while now on Fruit Stalls (indoor) and i cant help but notice that it clicks the stall on exacly the same pixel everytime. This is until you clear you inventory and then it picks a new pixel to click the stall on and doesnt move from it in the slightest for an entire inventory. Im no expert but it seems this is easily detectable by anti cheat. 

Is it suppose to work like this?

Also, you can select the option too alow dubbel click. However it then proceeds to double click 100/100 times. Wouldnt it be better if it randomly decides wheter it does a one or a double click?


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Oo I understand what you're saying, but don't worry you're in good hands with this bot, it's safe :D

The click box is intentional, I made it cache a small square (won't be visible to human eye) but it will be visible to jagex's system (assuming they track mouse x/y) they will see different pixels each time, most (human) players will spam click a small square area (2x2 pixels) until full inventory, else the bot would have just kept clicking each corner of the fruit stall if I used the normal click code that everyone else uses :doge: I made it so it's more humanlike, that's what (in my opinion) is helping accounts against bans, but ofc nothing is 100% certain and bans are always possible with every bot.

For double click, sure I can make it randomly double click if you like :D I highly recommend pickpocketing instead of stalls, because my pickpocketting code has an extra layer of randomness that relies on the game (can't leak publicly), as opposed to stalls which have a fixed respawn rate.


Usually I don't like to share in public what I use but let's just say I have a vested interest in making sure the script is not instaban, because I am using this bot every day. I usually do pickpocketting 1-84 though, then I switch to rogue chests or vyres depending on how much time I have to build the accs.

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16 minutes ago, Czar said:

Oo I understand what you're saying, but don't worry you're in good hands with this bot, it's safe :D

The click box is intentional, I made it cache a small square (won't be visible to human eye) but it will be visible to jagex's system (assuming they track mouse x/y) they will see different pixels each time, most (human) players will spam click a small square area (2x2 pixels) until full inventory, else the bot would have just kept clicking each corner of the fruit stall if I used the normal click code that everyone else uses :doge: I made it so it's more humanlike, that's what (in my opinion) is helping accounts against bans, but ofc nothing is 100% certain and bans are always possible with every bot.

For double click, sure I can make it randomly double click if you like :D I highly recommend pickpocketing instead of stalls, because my pickpocketting code has an extra layer of randomness that relies on the game (can't leak publicly), as opposed to stalls which have a fixed respawn rate.


Usually I don't like to share in public what I use but let's just say I have a vested interest in making sure the script is not instaban, because I am using this bot every day. I usually do pickpocketting 1-84 though, then I switch to rogue chests or vyres depending on how much time I have to build the accs.

Thanks for explaining, really appreciate it. Ill quit doing stalls for now. Thanks!

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