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Perfect Thiever AIO


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Yo Czar at level 99 thieving while using thieving cape on ardy knights the script just keeps clicking consistently at the same interval because it never fails and this led to a ban for me. Also while using sticky nps on the ardy knight whenever somebody kills the knight it will go to the hero instead. Please fix these 2 issues, thank you.

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activated all trials gl guys :D

blackjacking has improved with certain settings however it's still experimental. If there's no way to code a flawless blackjacking system it will always be experimental, until I can make it not require babysitting. At the moment it requires babysitting because there is small room for error even with the correct setup.

As for sticky npc mode going to hero instead of knight, I will check this out. Hopefully the ID isn't being changed. As for not failing and consistently clicking, there is a unique delay don't worry, however it is not noticeable to humans. The statistics on their side will indicate that the click delays not all the same, in fact they are very different

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