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Perfect Thiever AIO


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  On 7/27/2017 at 6:49 PM, strawhat said:

I wish I could get a refund. It has been very buggy for me at the silk stalls in ardougne, varrock guards, and doesn't work at all on fruit stands in Kourend. 

I really wanted this script to be great, I Haven't gotten banned yet so that's good I Guess.... but only 43 thieving and I don't know a good spot for this script to run at...


Fruit stalls worked fine for me when I was leveling my pure and I even got a pet there. Went from 25-55 there no problems except when idiots passing by would open the door to let the dogs out.

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  On 7/25/2017 at 11:44 AM, Czar said:

Glad to hear blackjacking is improved, I will do some more improvements for update v165.

As for ardy knights and dropping food, will patch ASAP, sorry guys, in the meantime please turn off banking (when pickpocketing) until v165 goes live ^^ :D sorry :(

As for ardy knights and despawning, please tell me how it works, and how to avoid it, and I will add it ASAP ^^ :D 

EDIT: Fixed. update will go live within 24 hours :) 


To fix Ardy knights or any npc from resetting you have to walk under them. If they are stuck on one square for more then 5 minutes it will re spawn walking under it allows it to clip through players that might be blocking it which would prevent it from re-spawning. So possibly a check if stuck variable that will walk under it if its in same spot for more then 2-3 minutes.

Edited by locklord
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