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The abyssal dagger?

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bought it for like 18m on my new ags pure i just made because why not, and you know, it worked really well and whatnot, but how good is it?


Ags's have dropped to 47 mill, and before this thing came out they were around 53.2m (i know because i was going to buy one for my pure)

for pvp, are they actually better than the ags? or is that just because everyone's selling their ags's because they want to try out the new dagger for pvp/pvm? or are they actually better/just as good as ags's?

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alot of people just want to try the item out, thats why the price of the dagger skyrocketed, then went down. Its like when dragon claws first came out. Went from 5m-50m, and eventually rested at around 25m i think. The price of AGSs has gone down because the dagger is now an *option* to the AGS. It definitely doesnt replace it though.. The abby dagger is inaccurate as hell. Like 0-0 was my best friend when i tested it. However, when it does hit, its usually big. The AGS is more reliable in my opinion, hits just as high, and remains the OP weapon of the wildy in my opinion. I would hold off on buying the dagger now, it seems to be crashing in price....

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abyssal dagger is pure shit. the special attack of the dragon dagger is better, and the normal attack of the whip is better. the only reason i could see why you should use it is to train strength, or to fight a monster that is weak to stab.



dagger is ass

i used it one 1 def pures and it either hit a 4-7 or 50's. I can see how it would be good for pures

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