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Few more forum ranks


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1. A description of the suggestion:

I just decided to suggest something on the topic of forum ranks.
As of now, you can earn a few ranks, most of them having the requirement to have an active service thread.
What I would suggest is a rank like Verified Quester and Verifiew Powerleveler to come into place. This would give people who for example work for someone else in a service the chance to earn one of the above.


It would have requirments ofcourse such as the other ranks, maybe for questers say must have over 150 feedback regarding quests.
Basically the same as the ranks now but without the need of owning a thread.



2. How will this suggestion impact scripters and/or botters?

I think it would help people who stepped out/are not in a service at all but with a trustworthy reputation in what they do. Some may be questers some may be powerlevelers.



3. Post any examples such as code or pictures to supplement your description (optional):

I don't have an example for this however I think all it would take is changing what's typed in the now "Verified Services" etc. ranks.


Feel free to leave feedback / arguements about why this should / shouldn't be added.


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