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Lack of respect..


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It's good you 're pointing out stuff like this, but i don't think this is the right way to deal with. I think it will only work the wrong way as people like to tease, especially if someone (you) doesn't like it.


Maybe you can try to see it the other way and just make funny comments about it, or just ignore. Some people just don't have a life beside osbot and they're only sitting behind their PC, posting ignoring, useless stuff all the time. They just don't take you serious, this is a nice example:



Ha gay!


welcome to life matey


Don't ask for respect.

Earn it.


Step one: stop whining.



Edited by Theodore Bagwell
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I can see that this is frustrating for you, but honestly you just have to ignore people. There will be trolls, flamers, and people that are just out-right disrespectful on this forum. Meaning, you need to adapt and deal with the situation by either getting Staff to deal with users that are harassing you or simply ignoring them. Truth is authority can only do so much to help what you're going through. As others before me have said you'll have to grow thick skin in some areas because if every comment a user makes towards you in this area is going to frustrate you you're not going to have an enjoyable time in our community. A reaction is simply what those trolls are looking for, and you're essentially giving them a big one by making this thread.

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It's good you 're pointing out stuff like this, but i don't think this is the right way to deal with. I think it will only work the wrong way as people like to tease, especially if someone (you) doesn't like it.


Maybe you can try to see it the other way and just make funny comments about it, or just ignore. Some people just don't have a life beside osbot and they're only sitting behind their PC, posting ignoring, useless stuff all the time. They just don't take you serious, this is a nice example:


My point was that If you have to give respect to anyone asking for it without them earning it, then respect loses all value.


I do feel sympathy for the person in question but this is just a whinethread and whinethreads only make things worse.


The last paragraph of the post I'm quoting proves the fact that respect is earned and not freely given by everyone to everyone.

Edited by Botre
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