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With which monthly salary do you consider yourself earning good money.


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I am curious which amount of nett salary per month for one single person without children considers someone in your country as a good earner, means at least over average.

Please include your country if you comment.


I am talkin about nett, the amount you see every month on your bank account.(before rent!)


I would consider someone with 2.500€ nett/month as a good earner. (Austria) 

* we receive salaries 14 times per year, not 12! (summer and winter extra is one whole salary)


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BIlls I pay:

$400/month - car

$250/month - car insurance

$50/month - phone


So that's $700, and only bills I have to pay.

If I move out, I'll need to pay $500-700/month for rent, assuming I'm living with someone.

I currently only make $1,600/month before taxes, so it's closer to like $1,200.

I'm either going to need to find a 2nd job or get a raise in order to move out xd


So based off of that, in California, if you have car + insurance + rent to pay, you'll probably be wanting to be making ~$3,000/month to be earning "good" money.

But that's about half of the belief that $75,000/year is the maximum amount to be able to live happily.

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