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Perfect Motherlode Miner


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Fantastic script. I've been really enjoying it. There are just a few notes that I have that I'd like to bring to your attention:


When I have all the southern tunnels chosen and the script is pathing to the south-western section it detects the veins that do not require the rockfalls to be broken even when I do not have this section chosen. Also, it seems to break rockfalls on the south-eastern path but then get confused; it seems to miss the vein sometimes then run back to a path in the main area a couple of times. It isn't too big of a deal, but it certainly looks bot-y.


Also, I know you're adding some features soon (I read in the thread), but I have a short wishlist for this script:

1) Pick up hammer from box when fixing struts so we don't have to carry around a hammer.

2) Choose one or two struts to fix, or make this random. This breaks up the pattern a little. Also, the script shouldn't fix struts if the paydirt is being cleaned already.

3) Collect ore every other time you deposit paydirt. I.e. Deposit paydirt -> go mine -> Deposit paydirt -> collect twice -> repeat

4) Always have ore being cleaned. I.e. Deposit paydirt -> go mine while it is cleaned -> deposit paydirt -> collect once -> repeat


I realize the 3rd and 4th on the list can be complicated, but this is imperative for going for  a high mining level. Nobody who mines in the upper levels collects ores every time they drop off paydirt, and if they do it's because they have ore already cleaned. It would be awesome if you just had a counter for the number of times you deposited paydirt, then make sure there is always one "load" pending and ready to be collected. For instance: deposit paydirt = 1 pending, then mine, and if nothing shows up in the sack you know nobody fixed the struts while you were gone and in order to deposit the load you must drop one paydirt, get a hammer, and fix it. Then you can deposit the paydirt and collect one load of ore and put it in the bank.


Just some ideas. I hope this helps some. I'm loving your scripts :D Let me know if you would like some clarification, as this might be convoluted.

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New update coming (v71)


- Added an update for rockfalls, script will detect if the vein can be reached before attempting to mine any rockfalls

- Added an update for hammers and struts

- Added an update for the sector chooser, and for upper floor mode

- Few anti-ban and anti-pattern changes

- Added beta test for multiple ore runs (deposit, deposit, deposit, etc -> then collect all the ore at the end) BETA test


Note: The script supports the multiple ore run option perfectly fine, but the script MUST be configured correctly in order to work; the script must be started with an empty conveyor belt. There will be a warning message upon selecting the option in the setup window just as a reminder. The script cannot detect if there is ore in the conveyor belt - that is the reason why this warning message exists.


Next version (after this new update) will have a few more variety in the multiple ore run feature and a few performance updates, stay tuned everyone smile.png

Edited by Czar
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Alright guys, there has been heavy focus on this script recently, many code changes biggrin.png
New update (v72)
- Script re-write, went over the code and many new things were added and old code was improved
- Fixed walking for normal mode, upper mode
- Added another update for 81 ore mode
- Added 'stick to chosen mines' option
- Added improvements to the memory aspect of the script; no more insane resource wasting
- Added a new list of mining sectors, map mode is the last option and it should only be used as a last-resort option
- Fixed hammer mode
-- If 28 ores are deposited into the conveyor, and a hammer is required, the script will drop the hammer before withdrawing the new ore from conveyor belt
- Upper floor is now working much better
New setup window: (notice the map mode is not initially loaded, until the map option is selected - to save memory)
Update will be live in less than 24 hours, it is a large update and this update will replace v71 completely (the latest version will go straight to v72 automatically)
good luck everyone wink.png

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