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Perfect Motherlode Miner


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Some more comments about the script below, overall the script is still stable and pretty good if the script settings are set right. Script buyers don't let these comments scare you away. This is the best motherlode script here and 100% stable for long runs (with right settings).

1) See attached picture. Similar problem as in my previous post but not the same problem. The bot does not detect that it should fix struts in this case (happens in empty worlds pretty often, for example), so could you please add automatical "force strut fix when otherwise stuck" to avoid these problems.

2) Using dragon pickaxe special attack. It always uses it instantly when you have 100% specc power, which can cause unwanted attention, because:
"Note: Ores are determined when the pay-dirt is mined, NOT when cleaning"
= Dragon pickaxe special attack should be used only when in the mining zone (currently it uses the spec everywhere, like when banking etc (not good).

3) At least when in the lower mining zone, the bot uses minimap-click-to-move pretty often when the distance is very short (like 2-6 tiles), even then when you even see the vein or the hopper --> Bot should more often click the target straight away if it sees it (currently it can click the minimap to move 4 tiles and then click the target, even you see the target all the time (not good))

4) MAJOR: I've tried all the settings the script provides and also with different setting-combinations and I can't figure out how does the "custom sack size: 81 (or any amount)" work. I'm very sure it does not work properly. The bot does not calculate the pay-dirt amounts properly and also causes that 1) getting stuck-thing.
Currently the only way to use this stable and for long time is to untick this setting so it banks the ores after every inventory (and also repairs the struts (if needed)), but THIS IS SLOW and also may cause unwanted attention: for example you are mining on the upper zone and clean+bank ores after every inventory = no1 does that.
(I'm using the default sack size and nothing in inventory)

5) Also something other shady things going on with the hammer+strut repair settings. For example the "deposit and withdraw hammer"-setting does nothing, should it withdraw the hammer from bank after i've used the "bank all" from the deposit box (it deposits hammer also).
So i would suggest you that you consider renaming the script settings and also make sure they don't break each others functions. (like currently i think the "deposit all" setting breaks some of the hammer settings)

6) Overall walking around the bank and hopper and struts could be better. Like it pretty often runs to fix the struts but it does not have hammer yet and it needs to run back to that one box to get hammer and then run back to strut and fix it, this also causes xp waste since you will run out of energy at some point.

7) when strut is repaired, the bot ALWAYS waits the ores to "swim" to the sack, after that it moves to the sack. That is sometimes OK antiban, but it could and should usually pre-run to the sack after the strut is fixed.
Part of the 7) but semi 8 )  but the bot also drops the hammer at pretty much always on the same tile. Not maybe so dangerous but FYI that it could be better also. 



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Well the strut repair is a huge discussion point - some users go on an empty world and expect the struts to be repaired by others, without repair mode enabled, so I'll have to force the bot to repair even if the user selected no repairs.

The script works best with 27 inventory slots, 1 hammer and the rest ore, it will amount to 81 perfectly. With 28 inventory slots it becomes 84 ore (which is over the limit for the maximum ore - 81). But this is a non-issue since all redundant ore will disappear (if the hopper isn't empty, which it isn't in the image attached).

The image shows a situation which is super rare: either the user mined the ore really quickly before someone else could repair, or nobody repaired at all (regardless of how quick an inventory of pay-dirt was mined). So the only solution here would be to drop pay-dirt, repair, then pick-up pay-dirt and place all pay-dirt into the hopper. If this is a good idea for you let me know so I can add it, otherwise I'm open to suggestions on a solution! Another solution would be to world hop to a different world (that has repaired struts), currently I'm open to ideas. I can add both of these and make them completely optional.

Either way it's highly recommended to keep a hammer to repair always (and thus sacrifice an inventory slot) for stability. I'll add a way to handle every type of situation so this shouldn't be an issue any longer, however I urge everyone to keep a hammer in inventory and repair yourself for the time being, because it eliminates any chances of the above situation happening.

As for the rest of the points, yes these are a bit easier to code/update, will post another update shortly for these. I've already coded a nice way to trigger the special attack (randomised too) so that's also already done.

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On 8/22/2020 at 7:47 PM, Czar said:

@speared82 did you use any breaks? please confirm. also any other bots used? it makes a huge difference. make sure not to bot on multiple accounts same ip also. and check proxies if using any, need fresh ones not data centre ones either. Don't forget to appeal the ban to get another chance, just please make sure to bot super responsibly, botting nowadays is more difficult than in the good old days imho.

as for trials done gl guys refresh scripts :D

Hi Czar,

 Sorry for late response as i have canned botting all together after this. appeal was unsuccessful. 

Bot was running for 3 hours before the ban. Only have one account and had only run one other bot briefly as a trial prior. 

I used to do alot of botting back in the golden days with only one ban. I have decided to go legit. 

Still very dissapointed in paying for the script to only be banned the first use..


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Please give botting another go, jagex do unban after multiple attempts (despite saying they don't), just make sure to select 'I knew the rules and I would like to apologise), and don't quit botting, check this guide out for preventing bans:

Preventing RS Botting Bans V3 - Botting & Bans - OSBot :: 2007 OSRS Botting

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