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Perfect Miner AIO


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Does not walk from varrock west bank to west mine, It freezes and stops near the woodcutter bots smile.png

It moans that it isn't 18 tiles away from the ore or something when returning from a bank trip



It does the same thing for me. If i start at mine it will mine fine then bank however after banking it sometimes starts walking sometimes not. It just stands there. Tried on Global Walker, and on Webwalker.


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Posted an update, walking should be much better in the latest version now, latest version: 0.58. 
please allow a few hours for update to register ^^ 
Update log:
- No longer paints all the rocks on the screen (if using list mode) -> less cpu usage ^^
- Re-wrote mining system, added traversal event, for more accurate mining
- Added multiple walking fallbacks, if stuck, it will cycle walking systems until a suitable one is successful
there were 2 updates here, I updated this post twice now. Latest version is: 0.58

Preview of new screen mining setup :doge:


Edited by Czar
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Have you tried screen mode? (Selecting rocks by clicking on them), also I will add the yanille rocks to the list mode so it can be easily selected, thanks for the suggestion ^^ 


edit: with screen mode you can select any rock on runescape and the bot will start mining it, doesn't matter which rock or position, it will know where to bank, where to return, etc etc. I added that option just in case I missed any locations on the setup list mode ^^, so it's truly AIO :)

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Motherlode mine is a separate script man I have 2 scripts (aio mining for normal mining) and a pure motherlode mine script which I programmed after releasing this bot


As for ess mining it will be added in the very near future, just need a few test runs and tweaking and it will be live. ^^ :D

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Motherlode mine is a separate script man I have 2 scripts (aio mining for normal mining) and a pure motherlode mine script which I programmed after releasing this bot


As for ess mining it will be added in the very near future, just need a few test runs and tweaking and it will be live. ^^ biggrin.png

Thanks :),


I do have a few issues I've noticed (I mostly leave this bot running on one monitor while I work on the other so I'm constantly checking it).


1. When using "Screen" mode for the Varrock East mine (& the bank just above it) the bot often gets stuck within the bank screen (so it deposits the items but then does nothing else)


2. When returning to a mine in "List" mode it often seems to start with the same ore, would be nice if it could choose one at random in the near vicinity


3. I'm unsure if there is a way around this, if someone else is mining the ore & they successfully mine it, it keeps on trying to mine that ore for a couple of seconds.




These were in the "Injection" mode for the client.

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Thanks smile.png,


I do have a few issues I've noticed (I mostly leave this bot running on one monitor while I work on the other so I'm constantly checking it).


1. When using "Screen" mode for the Varrock East mine (& the bank just above it) the bot often gets stuck within the bank screen (so it deposits the items but then does nothing else)


2. When returning to a mine in "List" mode it often seems to start with the same ore, would be nice if it could choose one at random in the near vicinity


3. I'm unsure if there is a way around this, if someone else is mining the ore & they successfully mine it, it keeps on trying to mine that ore for a couple of seconds.




These were in the "Injection" mode for the client.


i am experiencing this same issue and i am using mirror mode, the biggest issue is the freezing up at bank screen after it empties inventory. plz fix

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@Madara I have activated a trial, this script supports any rock theoretically but the banking part hasn't been tested. It should work normally, but please make sure to have an item to cut the webs (in the wilderness), other than that it should bank perfectly. Just set the preferred bank option to 'Mage Bank' and gl ^^ smile.png


@craft @black @mydog update coming up, latest version is now: 0.59. Just waiting on admins to register the new update

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