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Perfect Miner AIO


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Crafting guild doesn't work at all. Not sure if it isn't really supported yet, but I figured I should bring it to your attention. (And just so you know I've tried all three walking types)


It never opens the door to get into the guild on the way in. It leaves the guild fine but upon rentering it doesn't even path to the door, it just walks strait to the ore and fail clicks on the wall forever.


On one occasion my character ran off to the nearby mine to mine the gold there. Not sure if you could even stop that from happening.


On one occasion My character walked to the members only gate on his way to the bank, and just kept clicking on the gate over and over (although I think I was using "oldest walker" when this happened)


Last thing; It paths right past East Falidor bank to go to West Fali bank, I'm assuming because the East bank is technically closer. Not a big deal since you can just set it to a custom bank, but it probably looks a bit suspicious walking right past a bank over and over if you don't set it.

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Hey all of a sudden this script extremely lags i had it on drop 1 and it continued to just let the ore pile up in my inventory until it stopped clicking the ore.  when i start it I'm running mirror client and  im power mining iron i have it drop 1 click 1 with the anti ban setting on and spam click do u recommend better settings for power mining? overall my experience with this compared to the free miner is this bot is a lot slower with the movement and more laggy even with paint hidden resulting in less xp ph but this bot makes up for it in safety as for as the anti ban is really good  i don't know if u wrote this script to be slower with the movement or what but it makes it less bot like i think on the other hand the other free 1 was way faster xph but way more bot like than this i

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I made it slower due to complaints, people were saying it was too fast, did you try spam click mode? It's not as crazy as it sounds, but it's faster than normal mode. :D


As for drop 1 mode, I will see what's going on and post an update asap. :)


Also, @dudebro for crafting guild, you must use the 'global compass' mode, don't use 'osbot webwalker' because it can't handle doors, only the global compass mode can handle doors. If you have no idea what i'm talking about, just open the script and a popup box will appear and it will have 3 options, choose global compass. I say this because it's a relatively new update ^^ :D Let me know how it goes btw :P

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Mining guild has an issue? When it mines all the mith it just runs back and forth in the coals mining spot? And doesn't hop worlds when hop world option is enabled. Known bug? Or... new? 

Update 1 - Another small issue.... dragon pick axe special, it does it a lot when i'm banking. Which.... doesn't make a big issue? But it could come off like a bot? Because ideally you'd wanna do it while you're mining for optimal mining levels.

Edited by djslakivich
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It is only programmed to hop when there are no rocks, in mining guild there's like 100 rocks :P As for the walking around, should I add a delay to it? That mode was only designed for areas with low rock counts, mining guild is better with screen mode. But good idea, I will make it run around less.


As for dragon pickaxe special, will add a quick update for that ASAP, so it only uses it when it's in the mining state, thanks for the feedback


An update has been added, latest version is now 0.51, please allow a few hours for the update to register ^^ :D

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