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Perfect Miner AIO


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It really does take up a lot of resources. I can't believe this is solely because of the paint. Czar can we get any comment on this?  Fixable? Being worked on? Still looking into it? Not fixable? I mentioned it awhile back when I first bought the script. Also it doesn't lag too bad out of mirror mode but I don't recommend anyone to do that.

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The performance is from the console, close it if you want faster performance. I only left it there in case any user has a bug they would like to report, it would make bug fixing a lot easier :) If any bot is ever stuck, just copy + paste the console log and it will be fixed ASAP. :D




Amazing proggy, I have added an anti-fail safe near the docks so the bot won't ever go in a ship :D

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The performance is from the console, close it if you want faster performance. I only left it there in case any user has a bug they would like to report, it would make bug fixing a lot easier smile.png If any bot is ever stuck, just copy + paste the console log and it will be fixed ASAP. biggrin.png


How do I look at the console? It shouldn't be a problem for you to check the guild banking yourself anyway. It gets stuck after mining full inventory everytime.


This is all I can see: 74% CPU usage while doing nothing.



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Yes I can add bracelet of clay, but what about users with a pickaxe in their inventory? (clay bracelet = 28)


As for mining guild, an update has been placed (version 0.37). The console is now shown again, just in case anything happens biggrin.png


Still doesn't work at mining guild. Full inv, just staying there. No console popping out either. I haven't used the script for more than a week now...

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Version 0.39 has been posted, good luck all


@Normallan I made it only hop to p2p if you are in a p2p world, and only hop to f2p world if you are in a f2p world, how's that? biggrin.png


Bot is now working properly at the mining guild. However, could you look into making it less cpu-dependant? Also, it'd be great to have an option to hide the paint.


Thank you.

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