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Perfect Magic AIO


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i noticed that occasionally it clicks the bag then the item im alching instead of clicking high alch first, then it goes back to the magic tab to redo it, so it still ends up alching the item in the end. this is while alch/stunning.

i have to say overall this latest update you did has turned this script into something else, im getting 150k minimum xp per hour while stun/alching now and besides the little fluke i mentioned above, im happy i bought yet another one of your scripts.

Edited by buttpipe
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if i knew how to paste a picture i would show everyone how much xp Im getting per hour stun/alching.




can you fix the issue of it going into the bag and clicking the item it needs to alch instead of alching? after clicking the item it will go to magic tab right away and alch just fine but it has this hiccup a lot.

Edited by buttpipe
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not sure if you are referring to me at all, but my computer is far from slow and i have the item name down to the teeth. like it actually clicks the bag icon then clicks the item instead of alching it, then corrects its mistake by clicking the magic tab and runs fine for a good 5 minutes or so before doing it again, even with this issue i still pull around 160k/hour stun/alching.

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