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Perfect Magic AIO


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You can't get banned in 2.5 hours, unless you botted another skill for like 24 hours or something crazy, please bot properly, because then users will actually think there is something wrong with osbot or this script, but the problem is your botting style.


Remember guys, bank-related skills are the lowest ban rate, but don't go botting hunter (highest banrate) and then returning to a low banrate skill like magic,fletching,crafting etc., you can still get banned if you botted a high banrate skill before. 


Here are some proggies :





Edited by Czar
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Script promotions are against rules, so all users who were eligible (buy 2 get 3 free deals) have had their free scripts removed because it is not possible anymore, I used to be able to give unlimited trials (script promotions) but now there is a trial limit of 10 trials per script :(


Also, only moderators/admins can delete posts, you must have posted some flame/troll post or something, please no negativity! :D

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