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Fruity NMZ


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Cool script btw


Why do you use radio buttons as checkboxes? smile.png




Because in the group of potions there is only a max of two that can be selected so clicking a non selected radio button will deselect a different radio button that was previously selected in the group. Checkboxes should be used for stand alone options.


I suppose i could use the Checkboxes for the Misc section but then it wouldn't look as nice wink.png


Just what i was told pre much so i was like they know more than me might as well do it xd


Doesn't drink super ranging pots OR super restores  ):



EDIT: Does drink super restores. Still doesn't drink super ranging pots. I apologize for the mistake.


Its no problem im aware of the range potion issue and have fixed / pushed an update smile.png should be with you whenever SDN gets an update biggrin.png

whats the best gear set up for absorbtion potions? on a main account not a pure?


I use dragon chain with ss because im a poor nub :3



Edited by Fruity
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Why not just use overloads instead of super range pots then? 

are they the same bonus? i have not started range in nmz yet so genuinely curious.



PS - Fruity - Thank you so much for the hide paint, didn't even realize it was there till i clicked it. Woot! biggrin.png


whats the best gear set up for absorbtion potions? on a main account not a pure?

I would say it would have to be dharok. Best exp rates I've gotten so far are around 85k, though I've seen proggys of 100kish exp. 
Of course you must use 1hp method and overload/absorb.




Edited by Delirium
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are they the same bonus? i have not started range in nmz yet so genuinely curious.



PS - Fruity - Thank you so much for the hide paint, didn't even realize it was there till i clicked it. Woot! biggrin.png


whats the best gear set up for absorbtion potions? on a main account not a pure?

I would say it would have to be dharok. Best exp rates I've gotten so far are around 85k, though I've seen proggys of 100kish exp. 
Of course you must use 1hp method and overload/absorb.



Overloads bring you up 15 range levels :)

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Please can you sort out absorption potion script? it starts rock caking to about 19hp then sips absorb pots, script last 10 times less than it should


Very strange as it should not be drinking absorption unless hp is either 51 (if using overloads)or less than 2 (without overloads) at the start. what other setting sod you have selected?

Would this work well with pures? 1 def


Yes smile.png i my self got a 60/98/1 pure from the script switching from:


Overloads/Prayer potions/Gmaul.




I also used MTD Dreams

Why not just use overloads instead of super range pots then? 


Yes they are both the same bounus (15% + 5) but overloads dont go down slowly but instead stay the same for a constant 5mins.


are they the same bonus? i have not started range in nmz yet so genuinely curious.



PS - Fruity - Thank you so much for the hide paint, didn't even realize it was there till i clicked it. Woot! biggrin.png


whats the best gear set up for absorbtion potions? on a main account not a pure?

I would say it would have to be dharok. Best exp rates I've gotten so far are around 85k, though I've seen proggys of 100kish exp. 
Of course you must use 1hp method and overload/absorb.



YW about the paint wink.png


And for melee im using dragon chain set with d med, leather gloves and still getting around 72-75k xp hr not including hp tongue.png. DH ofc d best with rock cake when you have good melee stats, maybe not at 70/70/70.


The 100k xp hr progs were from an almost maxed melee acc tongue.png



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And for melee im using dragon chain set with d med, leather gloves and still getting around 72-75k xp hr not including hp tongue.png. DH ofc d best with rock cake when you have good melee stats, maybe not at 70/70/70.


The 100k xp hr progs were from an almost maxed melee acc tongue.png



I got 70/70/70 stats on mine - Dharok armour, Dragon Boots, Combat Bracelet, Dragon Defender, Fury and Dragon Skimmy

I average 54k xp/hr

G maul gets that up to 58k xp/hr for a lil bit

What stats do you have where you are getting 70k + ?


EDIT: Saves making another post - I get this error on start it but it doesn't seem to be anything noticeable, Just thought you should know:

[ERROR][Bot #1][08/21 06:11:50 PM]: Error in script executor!
at com.fruityscripts.g.Nul.d(cb:233)
at com.fruityscripts.b.b.coN.d(d:93)
at com.fruityscripts.a.b.coN.d(a:106)
at com.fruityscripts.core.FruityNMZ.onLoop(tb:2)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ao:189)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)


Edited by Cans
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