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Fruity NMZ


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got a problem. it uses pray, uses 1 full prayer pot.. then goes outside then rebuys the dream



[iNFO][07/04 01:17:32 em]: Started script : Fruity NMZ

[iNFO][bot #1][07/04 01:17:46 em]: WebWalkingEvent; No route found! Destinations = [[x=2612, y=3096, z=0]];
[iNFO][bot #1][07/04 01:17:58 em]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
[WARN][bot #1][07/04 01:19:40 em]: A problem was encountered with identifying prayer button for PROTECT_FROM_MELEE
[iNFO][bot #1][07/04 01:26:06 em]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination!
Edited by smitth
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Hey fruity,


can you support super combat potions?! QwPha8E.png


This is in local version, will push when i add the other stuff that needs sorting. shouldnt be too much of a problem as supers are only really needed for 1 inventory


Would you be able to add the zapper stay at that location of activation until it's gone addition to script. When not using center it's pointless to add zapper.


Will be adding/fixing soon.


Have a problem with it only doing 1 inv then just sitting outside nmz afk for like 5 hours...



scripts alright... afked outside nmz for 5hrs on both my accs  one has never ever been botted on and both got a straight perm lol ..


need more information as to why it afked out side, is there anything else you can provide? i know one of u pmed me but didnt get back to me when i asked for more information :s

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This is in local version, will push when i add the other stuff that needs sorting. shouldnt be too much of a problem as supers are only really needed for 1 inventory



Will be adding/fixing soon.





need more information as to why it afked out side, is there anything else you can provide? i know one of u pmed me but didnt get back to me when i asked for more information unsure.png


Got home today as well. Botted with fresh unbotted pure. Used decent settings. MTD, protect from melee, super restores, overloads. random clicking or whatever it was.

After 3 hours perm banned.

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scripts alright... afked outside nmz for 5hrs on both my accs  one has never ever been botted on and both got a straight perm lol ..

It's a big thing on reddit, whenever someone is caught outside of nmz flashing prayers, prayers up, or just standing there for hours people post about them/mass report them and I'm sure its obvious to jagex that you're a bot then.


Got home today as well. Botted with fresh unbotted pure. Used decent settings. MTD, protect from melee, super restores, overloads. random clicking or whatever it was.

After 3 hours perm banned.


As you can see in my sig I have been able to bot a good amount of time with this script, xp rates would be higher but ive gone for points and also used it on accounts with only 60stats. I have had 0 bans so far from this script and I'm currently 90stats on two separate accounts with this and I'm also running random auto fighter and magic scripts that put my account at more risk and still no bans.


I don't know if you guys use Mirror mode but I personally believe it helps.


And I don't trust the auto re-enter dream, although I'm sure its scripter properly ive seen to many people outside nmz for hours or flashing prayers, I just run 1 game with no reenter, it lasts about 2 hours with overloads and absorbs and only 45defence, after that it logs when done and I can start it again if I'm around, if I'm going to bed running it then Some xp is better than no xp or better than getting 6hours in while I'm sleep and then banned soon after.b

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