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Fruity NMZ


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Got a 2-day ban after getting multiple 99s. I got kinda greedy chasing my last 99 and was botting every day. Regardless the script is awesome, be smart and don't bot ridiculous hours and you will be fine. It's much better to take it slow and keep your account than to bot crazy hours and end up with a ban. The $10 I spent on this saved me something like 14+ days (330+ hours :o) of gameplay which speaks for itself, great script Fruity.  

Edited by oneDream
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8 hours ago, firstmate said:

zapper needs to be fixed it grabs zapper in the middle and runs to the corner or section u decide go too. Antiban gets too predictable too like it hits the music option way too often. needs to hover over stats and check xp etc.

*Staff checking your account*

Mod Weath: Hmm, looks like he botted. Banhammer time!
Co-Worker: Did you notice that he checked his strength level though, weathyboi??

Sorry bro, don't think that hovering your strength exp will save you from the possible banhammer :P Just my opinion though.

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On 4/7/2018 at 1:19 AM, UkBenH said:

@Fruity Small typo in the Idle Conditions part of the GUI(I think). "Mouse mouse" when it should be move mouse ;). Just the little things...

tyvm, good spot :D 

On 4/7/2018 at 2:05 AM, layday said:

This has probably been answered but will we get the option to use the power surge?

Also how come when I select the Zapper, it activates but then my character runs to the corner so the zapper is useless?

Will be adding a check to this, if zapp is active, dont walk

On 4/7/2018 at 10:22 AM, jacobas said:

Is it possible to change bosses to what i want, but not in those 3 lists

Also i wanna ask if i got 2 days ban 2 years ago and my ban meter shows green so do i get another 2 days ban or permanent?

Yes, if you go into a dream with the bosses you'd liek to use so that they are saved on the interface, start the script drea settings with 'Custom' rather than the mtd, demon etc etc. It will just confirm the interface and not change anything

On 4/7/2018 at 10:29 AM, Zebrafon said:

Still no push...

My fix must not have worked, really odd, will give it another bash right nows. Should be a case of isDreaming() && hopped - setHopped false. should sort it :D 

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I bought the script a while a go but never used. I'm trying to use it now but when I click start script, instantly it comes up with a pop up window saying 'Stopping Script'. Theres nothing in the logger either to try and debug the problem... Also, the inventory counter is wrong and displaying an incorrect number, but even when I manage to make it correct it still stops.

Any help?

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15 hours ago, botnot said:

I bought the script a while a go but never used. I'm trying to use it now but when I click start script, instantly it comes up with a pop up window saying 'Stopping Script'. Theres nothing in the logger either to try and debug the problem... Also, the inventory counter is wrong and displaying an incorrect number, but even when I manage to make it correct it still stops.

Any help?

Can't say what's causing the script to stop, but the inventory counter issue is minor and it works even though mine for example says 30 / 31. Perhaps send a pic of your settings?

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On 8-4-2018 at 10:31 PM, botnot said:

I bought the script a while a go but never used. I'm trying to use it now but when I click start script, instantly it comes up with a pop up window saying 'Stopping Script'. Theres nothing in the logger either to try and debug the problem... Also, the inventory counter is wrong and displaying an incorrect number, but even when I manage to make it correct it still stops.

Any help?

The fix is easy, and is as followed.

Go to dream settings, press re-enter dream, select your mode (normal, hard, custom nor/hard) and confirm
and pooof.... problem fixed

goodluck on your adventure

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