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Hello Osbot!

Gold Scripts

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Hello Osbot, 


I have been a part of the Osbot community for a little bit of time now (mostly lurking), but have decided to become a more active member in the community. I have been a member of many rs botting websites over the years, and have to say that osbot is my favorite by far. QwPha8E.png


A little about myself - 

I am a second year computer science major, and I love Java programming. I enjoy fishing in the summer, and spending time outdoors. My favorite quote ==> There are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary, and those who don't. 


Over the past few months I have been getting familiar with the Osbot API, and have been lurking script developing forums in hopes of being able to develop high quality scripts for Osbot! Releasing a script has been a dream of mine since I was in my early years of high school and had no Java experience what so ever. After taking multiple college level courses over Java programming, I believe I am finally qualified for the task.


During my free time away from work and school, I have been developing a few private scripts. I have put a lot of hours into a few of them, and have loved every second of it. I look forward to releasing some scripts within the next month or two (will be sure to keep the community updated on some of my projects in the near future). 


Finally the username, when I created my account on Osbot, I was a server at Olive Garden. facep.gif


Looking forward to being an active member of this community, and getting to meet some of the people around here. 



-OG Scripts



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