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Khal Blast Furnace


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Is anyone able to have a rough amount of money you would need per hour for each type of bar?

As in, for one hour of constant smelting how many ores will you need and how much would it add up to?

Steel = 1k bars/hr

Cost of ores per bar 260gp 

Cost for 1hour of smelting = 260k

Mithril = ??

Addy = ??

Rune = ?? (I am most likely wrong but isnt this around 10-15m for 1hour of smelting?)


The amount of bars smelted is dependent on how well the world is running, like if people are always doing tasks. With mithril I've been smelting around 650-730ish an hour. I've had an hour where i've smelted like 850 or so, and I've also had some like 500 an hour. The amount of ores needed per hour get consistently lower for better bars if you need more coal to make that bar. Also if you are paying the foreman it's only 2.5k every 10 minutes. I haven't tried it WithOut a coal bag, but coal bag will yield significantly more bars p/h.

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The amount of bars smelted is dependent on how well the world is running, like if people are always doing tasks. With mithril I've been smelting around 650-730ish an hour. I've had an hour where i've smelted like 850 or so, and I've also had some like 500 an hour. The amount of ores needed per hour get consistently lower for better bars if you need more coal to make that bar. Also if you are paying the foreman it's only 2.5k every 10 minutes. I haven't tried it WithOut a coal bag, but coal bag will yield significantly more bars p/h.

Yeah although I am just after a rough estimate as I currently am unable to check the higher bars as my accounts are only on steel atm.

From what I can remember addy bars were somthing close to this

Addy = 600 bars/hr

1700 per bar = 1.02m req for 1hour of smelting

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hey, im kinda new to the botting scene and i got khal blastfurnance and its running perfectly! i love it!. i do have a question, is it safe to run all day and what breaks do you recommend.  I dont want to leave tons of ores on the account for it only to be banned.  I have also noticed a my breaks are messed up i know this has nothing to do with the bot but if someone could help me, my bot breaks as it is set but when it breaks it breaks for up to 21 hours? thanks in advance.


Main questions: Is this bot safe to run all day (ban rates) 

                          What breaks are recommended

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Most people would say it is not safe to ban all day. Human type activities keep you the safest. Taking a break and doing other kills and quests is best. 


The breaks are really up to you. The more the safer. I usually don't like to bot over 6 hours at a time but have went 20 without a ban so it is up to you. 


You will get banned, you will learn your own style, no one can tell you how to bot safely 100%.

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I added the "no xp gain for 10 mins --> Logout" as a safety measure INCASE the script gets stuck, so your accounts won't stand still all night etc. I will have to find a way to fix this.


As to what that "Out of Coal" thing, I am not sure what is causing that as it has never happened to me on normal nor mirror client. Try putting your coal AND 2ndary ore in the TOP row and try again. Also, DO NOT login on RS before mirror client is hooked. You always want to hook mirror to a client and then login through the mirror client or bugs like this will happen.


In other news...

Starting next week I'm gonna see if I can make it so that EVERYONE will have to do at least ONE task. When I first released this script I could easily get 1200-1300 bars/h in W358, now I don't even get 1k (with coal bag) which is a pretty big decline in bars/h. I urge you all to get either 30 agility, strength, firemaking or crafting and have each of your accounts do ONE task each (preferably different ones). Level 30 is only 13K xp and takes NO TIME to get. If it's strength - just do waterfall quest, takes 15 mins and you're done. Other skills take 1-2h to get to 30. I'm going to try this for ONE week and see how it affects our bars, if it's good I'm going to keep it - for everyone's good.


If you have a large farm and you're like "OMFG NO, I DIDNT PAY TO GET ADDITIONAL 30s" you needn't worry, using a bucket of water to cool off the bars is also a task and only requires a bucket. However, there's already tons of bots doing that, so PLEASE pick a different task. If all 100+ of my users each do a task we can easily get 1500 bars/h. More profit for everyone.


^ Keep in mind that's not 100%, will still need to discuss with my manager what he thinks. biggrin.png

Please share your opinions on this with me as well! smile.png


I will buy it as soon as this update is out! I finally got a coal bag (after manually grinding it for 3 days!) and I was super psyched to use it but as you stated everyone is just leeching and im running around trying to do everything while others are leeching and its not cool!


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