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Perfect Herblore AIO


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On 6/3/2018 at 10:01 PM, pooplet said:

@Czar Stamina 4 pots is doing some wonky shit. Basically it selects make all and then click the crystals and the next pot and selects make all... over and over and over. Its making pots, but it literally clicks crystals and pots for every single potion. Doesn't make any sense.

Exactly this, @Czar the only thing you need to do, is make it click 1x Make All and not repeating it all day. instead of 350k XP it goes to 150 because of this.

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I want to buy this, only thing stopping me is I'm seeing a bunch of comments where people are saying it glitches out for cleaning herbs. I'm pretty much going to exclusively be cleaning herbs so if it doesn't work for that, script is kinda pointless for me. Can anyone give an update on the status of how the script works for cleaning?

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How do trials work? Is it 24hrs from the time you activate it? I never saw any extra script in my OSBot, nor did I check daily. Anyways I had asked for like 3 different trials and I see you replied that you activated them but I don't see when I refresh ^.^ 24 hours from when you activate it or 24 hours of usage in general? 

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