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Khal Tutorial Island


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On 4-2-2018 at 10:22 PM, wolfpackred said:

same! mine also got stuck after making dough and wont put on stove, mostly on the ore part, and sometimes but not often got stuck at bank area


3 hours ago, CcozyD said:

gets stuck at the end of the tutorial every time when asked wether to be an iron man or not. says no but keeps going through the chat repeatedly until stopped and manually completed.

Test the new version, if you still have issues please get me an image when it's stuck.

Edited by Khaleesi
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2 hours ago, Star_Scream said:

Do you intend on fixing the issues of it getting stuck?

You dont even Made a bug report nor posted an image of anything getting stuck...

so nobody knows about what you are talking here?

On 13/2/2018 at 6:05 PM, TopNotchScript said:

hey mine just got stuck at the cooking dough part was using mirror client


also just got stuck while waiting to go down the ladder into mine.

Can you get me an image when its stuck?

would make it a lot easier for me :)


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brand new update. it gets stuck only at the following


making fire from chopped logs

fishing and cooking shrimp

baking bread

smelting bronze bar and smithing dagger


apart from that everything else is fine. if you still wanna make it work for now just stop the script and restart it after manually completing the above. 

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On 1-3-2018 at 8:42 PM, fgsfdsfgh said:

brand new update. it gets stuck only at the following


making fire from chopped logs

fishing and cooking shrimp

baking bread

smelting bronze bar and smithing dagger


apart from that everything else is fine. if you still wanna make it work for now just stop the script and restart it after manually completing the above. 


On 1-3-2018 at 10:01 PM, funrun45 said:

for me it gets stuck at cook fish and burning the logs

just selects them and it sits


On 1-3-2018 at 10:04 PM, Anon145 said:

same for me


On 2-3-2018 at 5:46 PM, Norscax said:

same for me too


13 hours ago, w0000t said:

Seems a lot of scripts recently broke with the newest update, most likely the case. Expect an update soon, I'm sure :)

Was a broken client hook
Restart your clients and it should be fixed:)

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