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Ran this for a while, havnt used after got void, worked but got banned last night for macro, used only this on another acc, banned too without any other bots being used. questioning the antiban.

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Hi, the script got stuck near a portal and thought it was fighting a shifter but the shifter died and it was still stood there ?


also its stood near and unlocked portal and instead of attacking the portal it just attacking the monsters ? The "attack portal" button was selected

Edited by madmike
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hey dude, i believe the most recent osbot update may have broken the script from what i can see. (.112) im at work an cant post any pics because i was using teaviewer to check bots, but from what i saw after a game finishes, it stands and intermed boat, doesnt enter, and the gui(on the chat) attacking defiler(last monster attacked before game ended), and just stands there. 



settings i used-

monsters only

quick prayer

intermediate boat


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Ran this for a while, havnt used after got void, worked but got banned last night for macro, used only this on another acc, banned too without any other bots being used. questioning the antiban.


I also have been banned after using this the other night =/, It get me full void and a few hundred more points tho After only using this and mirror mode it is sad to say R.I.P account....


 Never ran it more then 3 hours at a time and no more then 2-3 days a week.

 It had to have been doing something obvious or questionable =(

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Hello :), script seems to be running wonderfully, I just have one issue that I am experiencing that you may not yet be aware of.


When set to attack portals I assume the script is coded to find a portal and stay within 'x' vicinity of the portal until it is destroyed and then move to another portal. The issue I am noticing is that it will click on a monster to attack while the monster is moving away from the portal, upon running after the monster to attack it, I move outside of the portal 'vicinity' you have defined and it tries to run back into the area nearer the portal. If it is a ranged monster it then continues to shoot at me, my auto retaliate causes me to run back to the monster, then the script sends me back towards the portal. As you can imagine this just creates a cycle of running until I die or the monster is killed.


Nothing too crazy, but I can imagine that if this kept occurring or if I got stuck running back and forth for a while that it may start to seem very suspicious.


Thank you for you time :)

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Hello smile.png, script seems to be running wonderfully, I just have one issue that I am experiencing that you may not yet be aware of.


When set to attack portals I assume the script is coded to find a portal and stay within 'x' vicinity of the portal until it is destroyed and then move to another portal. The issue I am noticing is that it will click on a monster to attack while the monster is moving away from the portal, upon running after the monster to attack it, I move outside of the portal 'vicinity' you have defined and it tries to run back into the area nearer the portal. If it is a ranged monster it then continues to shoot at me, my auto retaliate causes me to run back to the monster, then the script sends me back towards the portal. As you can imagine this just creates a cycle of running until I die or the monster is killed.


Nothing too crazy, but I can imagine that if this kept occurring or if I got stuck running back and forth for a while that it may start to seem very suspicious.


Thank you for you time smile.png


Turn off your auto retaliate?


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