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Perfect Rock Crabs


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V1.55 got stuck at the cave today.  Just once.  but other than that its running great.  



Fixed in version 1.6, forgot to add a few stuff from before tongue.png


Alright, recap from last page:


Version 1.6


- Added knife support

- Added ranging potion

- Fixed an issue where sometimes it gets stuck in cave


Thanks for the suggestions, update will be live within an hour! biggrin.png

Edited by Czar
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Czar can u add option so it would avoid hobgoblins at west side? hopping when there is X people there and avoiding cannon on the world?


Hmm yes I can add hobgoblin avoiding, however it's best to choose the east side if you want to avoid them completely. There is already a GUI option for hopping with cannons and I will add the X people hop in the next version.

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My char got stuck there.

Very buggy overall, shouln't have made it out of beta. 

I will ask for a refund and switch over to APA in two days if the beta phase remains.




Bug list:

1) Doesn't detect that a cannon is nearby.

2) 10+ Players on same spot and it doesn't hop.

3) Gets stuck on random places on east spot.

4) Mentioned on the post below.

5) Picks up shit randomly (Make it an option to pick up seaweed)

6) AFK Mode just stands in a spot and waits for people to kill your crabs.

Script rate: 2/10.

Only thing that works flawlessly so far is the GUI to mark how shit my exp/h is.

Edited by Alexander
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This script isn't working out for me, keeps getting stuck at multiple places.
Iv'e requested a refund in the refund section, and they told me to make a post over here.
This script also got me banned for 48 hours (which got my account flagged to, i guess).
I would like a refund so that i can buy another script.
Because your other scripts seem to be working much better than this one.

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