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Perfect Rock Crabs


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Test #1...same account. it was doing well, for some reason I'm not entirely sure if it was the settings i used or what but it seemed to sit around and not do anything. After i just messed around on the starting spot( I was starting near the crabs on east...then I decided to start in the forest south where the black unicorn is and then it started to work fine.)




Training STR with 40 ATK, no potions or tabs. Just going back and forth to the bank with tuna available. Good script when it wants to work.



NOTE: I only had a 24hr trial period with this script, first impressions were eh...when it wasn't working(probably my fault/settings I chose)...WHEN IT WORKS, IT WORKS, NO ISSUES.


I appreciate the trial, will look into buying this for future account(s).

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Alright so an update to make the script attack rock crabs which are far away (which have moved away from original tile)? ohmy.png

yeah thats what i meant otherwise its perfect :P and if you can make it not attack other crabs like other than its original location 

Edited by xreportedx
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can i try this before i buy??



by Czar




Script live, buy now (only $4.99!)




 Want to buy the bot, but only have rs gp?

Buy an OSBot voucher here



  • Supports both rock crab locations!
  • Teleporting - using tabs/spells
  • Potion support - including combat potions and super att/str/defence
  • Aggressive mode - attacks other crabs
  • World hopping when a cannon is nearby
  • Can randomize fight locations between trips!
  • Calculates next best crab to attack when current crab is low on health!
  • Resets region when crabs don't attack
  • Rotates region resetting every 20-60 minutes
  • Configure inventory load-out with a single button!
  • Changes between walking south and using the cave!
  • Banking support
  • Automatically prioritizes visible crabs when fighting
  • Can recover from being idle
  • Ranged support, loots any type of ammo you have
  • Loots ammo in second intervals (every 2-18 seconds it will loot all)
  • Picks up edible seaweed to extend trips
  • World hops when 7 or more players in the area
  • Displays 'goal' information, e.g. (at 77 strength it will also show details for 80 strength, time left, xp left, etc)
  • Rock crab areas are split into sectors and are cycled every time a rock crab is not found


  • Why should I use this script when there are millions out there?
  • It is the best script. Simply.
  • Why are you releasing this now?
  • It's time to make this one public, it was privately used for myself and has gotten me 80 strength in a single bot session.
  • How do I set it up?
  • On first use, make sure your inventory is laid out nicely, and click 'Load inventory' to save it forever, then click start


  • There are no instructions. We do the all the work for you. CzarScripting™


  • If you have a pure account, it is advised to go east, because there are no dangerous npcs there
  • Use camelot tabs for quicker trips!
  • You can use any potions, including combat ones


Clean paint and GUI


Want to use potions? Have potions in inventory

Want to use teleport tabs? Have tabs in inventory

Want to use camelot teleport spell? Have runes in inventory

Want to use special weapons? Have special weapon in inventory

Want to use ranged? Have ammo equipped


Everything is automatically detected like a real robot.

We do all the work for you.

If this is the first EVER time that you are using it, you will need to setup an inventory loadout for future botting, so just get your desired inventory, and click Load inventory, then, after that, you won't ever need to click it again. Even if the script stops.
I have made a system that detects if the user has potions in inventory, food, teleports, so that the bot can decide what to do, smart scripting wink.png














nooby account from 1-33 range (for range guild pot)





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