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The reason why Cowkiller should be free.


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Hello community, I'm here because I think Cowkiller (or any other simples money making script) should be free, and I'm going to give you the reason:

Why would this benefit the community: Because it was going to be free for anyone to use.

Why would this benefit the OSBOT: Cowkiller is not the endgame product desired by any players. Lots of players just want a method to be able to afford buying Vip (or the really usefull endgame scripts). If Cowkiller was free, we could just use to get enough money to buy Vip (and start multiclienting) or to buy the scripts that give us heavy income. So at all, I think this would bring more money for OSBOT.

Please, comment if you guys agree or disagree.


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The scripter has put work in it. One minute? 5 minutes? 1 hour? 1 day? Doesn't matter : work is involved and it's their choice to charge money for it.

If it seems like an easy script to you, go ahead and make it yourself and release it for free.

I disagree and this is just my opinion.

I'm not trying to be rude.

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Oliver and Anne, I'm sorry, I misunderstood something. I though no one were allowed to release a free cowkiller since there was already a premium one. Now I realize that there is no free cowkiller because none wanted to do it before. Thanks for commenting, I'm going to request one, thanks!

Edited by pjrunescape
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Oliver and Anne, I'm sorry, I misunderstood something. I though no one were allowed to release a free cowkiller since there was already a premium one. Now I realize that there is no free cowkiller because none wanted to do it before. Thanks for commenting, I'm going to request one, thanks!


I'm not really sure what the rules are here but when I was Script Manager we did not ever say that nobody was allowed to release a free version of a premium script.

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The original poster was confused. I talked to him in the chatbox and he was under the impression that we owned the only premium cow killer script and therefore nobody else was allowed to release a similar script.


This is simply not true. You can release any free script of your choice, however we do have a list of premium scripts you are not allowed to release:



Furthermore, OSBot does not sell any scripts. Any premium scripts that are available AND are on the "ban list" were most likely grandfathered before that particular script was not allowed to go premium.

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