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Perfect Fisher AIO


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The bot keeps moving me to falador etc, when im powerleveling at barbarian village, i dont have banking set just afk. and two times when i powerleveled flyfishing above ardougne my account have died, and even there it walks around looking for banks.. I dont know how to make it just stand, fish and drop.. Could you fix this pls.

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Version 0.27


- No longer stops script when you have bait/feathers

- Fixed dropping speed

- Fixed powerfishing


please don't forget to enable powerfishing mode if you want to powerfish, otherwise it will just look for banks. It's common sense by now :P


Update will be live within a few hours :D

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I actually cant find the "powerleveling" option :P there's only "choose fish and location" and if i dont check in banking, he still walks around like he's looking for bank, often ends up at wolf mountain and killed :P Otherwise real awesome script. Real humanlike and the best fishing script in my opinion

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Always f**king tells me "User doesn't have enough coins for ship rides, stopping script"


Started it one hour prior with 50k in the inventory, I come back and I'm dead, minus the 50k.


Fishing Lobster at Karamja. 


Please fix the coin recognition, happens all the time. My Flesh Crawler bot from you managed to die twice yesterday so I gave up and now the script doesn't work at all. 

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Done, fixed. Update will be live within a few hours. Script will no longer stop if inventory isn't detected. Also, no clue how you died, especially in karamja... where there are no dangerous npcs lmao. If you want to be extra safe, enable 'always right-click' in case the client misclicks anywhere.


Enjoy ;)

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