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Perfect Fisher AIO


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13 hours wasn't good nuff, so I let it run for 3 more hours...



Contrary to what was stated above this reply, I have noticed a drop in dropping speeds, as it pauses more (though it misses less), but I'm not complaining at all what-so-ever. If I can run a bot for 12 hours+ no problem, I'm happy, but also getting about the same xp rate as doing it legit, I'm even happier!

Edited by roarby
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Thank you for this post biggrin.png


I need to remove anti-pattern dropping, since I only made it when osbot's default dropping system was bad, however they have improved it so it has somehow made antipattern dropping worse.


As for AFK mode, I can add some changes to it, however it is only suited toward non-VIP members since they can't access mirror client. With mirror mode, the script virtually needs 0 anti-ban, since client detection is gone, and mirror mode has it's own unique behaviour (it's slowness is actually beneficial).


There used to be a delay when the fishing spot changes, in fact the code is still here, so I can just increase the delay - however this will slightly reduce xp/hr and I'm sure some users will complain. So I can offer a complete 'anti-ban' mode where everything is slower and more human-like, (thus sacrificing xp) for the more wary botters.

Thanks bro that would be awesome :D, thanks for your dedication to the script. Yea, currently atm I have been using the normal client as my CPU usage can't handle even 1 bot on mirror client. So far I have gotten 1-85 fishing in under 5 days with nothing as of yet, just running the script pretty much 15 hours per day at least. Everytime I try the mirror client it crashes within half an hour (The rs client). Hope OSbot really lower the CPU usage so other people can use it! I'll keep you updated on whether or not I reach 99 lol

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want to fish catherby lobs...

DEBUG][05/19 12:46:57 AM]: Loaded script!
[DEBUG][05/19 12:46:57 AM]: Launching script...
[iNFO][bot #1][05/19 12:46:57 AM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers!
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:00 AM]: Breaking in 1 hours and 4 minutes for a total of 40 minutes
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:02 AM]: / Banks added: [30]
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:02 AM]: / Floors added: [10]
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:02 AM]: / Entrances added: [30]
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:02 AM]: / Carpet rides added: [4]
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:02 AM]: / Ships added: [2]
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:02 AM]: / Agility shortcuts added: [10]
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:02 AM]: / Fairy teleport added: [38]
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:03 AM]: / Teleport items added: [17]
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:03 AM]: / Teleport spells added: [12]
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:03 AM]: / Stronghold connections added: [9]
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:03 AM]: / Added 9251 nodes to graph in [4046ms].
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:03 AM]: / Web IS null, building...
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:04 AM]: / ---------- Perfect Fisher 1.33 ----------
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:04 AM]: / 28 fish types loaded.
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:04 AM]: / 31 fishing locations loaded.
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:04 AM]: /
[iNFO][05/19 12:47:04 AM]: Started script : Perfect Fisher
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:07 AM]: / / My spot set to [CATHERBY_NET]
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:12 AM]: / / My fish set to [Raw lobster]
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:22 AM]: / ---------- ready ----------
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:23 AM]: / Built the anti-drop list.
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:23 AM]: / User doesn't have coins for ship rides, stopping script
[iNFO][bot #1][05/19 12:47:24 AM]: Terminating script Perfect Fisher...
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:24 AM]: / Terminated.
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:24 AM]: / // PerfectFisher terminated
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:24 AM]: / // Fish caught: 0.
[DEBUG][bot #1][05/19 12:47:24 AM]: / // Net profit: 0.
[iNFO][bot #1][05/19 12:47:24 AM]: Script Perfect Fisher has exited!

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