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Perfect Fisher AIO


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Thanks seems to be working great now. One other thing I noticed though is if you are the far east spot (near seaweed nets) and it disappears unless there is a spot within sight it will just stand there til one pops up.


post a screenshot, and i will fix asap,


glad to hear my recent fix is working though :D

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My man, the monk fish script keeps getting stuck in the bank. I don't know how to post a picture... i would post it if i knew how


hit this button




go to www.imgur.com


click upload image, paste the image


then tell me the imgur url they give you


EDIT: another user complained about this and I fixed it, are you sure you tried the latest version?

Edited by Czar
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Hey I could really use some help!  I just bought the script and I'm trying to fish lobsters at catherby, but as soon as I start the script it immediately logs off and does nothing.  Thoughts?


Hmm, it only ever stops if you:


- start the script while logged out

- fish in karamja without coins for boat travel

- your level is above your target level in GUI

- you are fishing trout/salmon and have no bait


check if you are violating any of those and restart the script :P

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Hmm, it only ever stops if you:


- start the script while logged out

- fish in karamja without coins for boat travel

- your level is above your target level in GUI

- you are fishing trout/salmon and have no bait


check if you are violating any of those and restart the script tongue.png


Got it up and running, thanks.  I'm not sure if it was the problem but it worked when I restarted it and selected the fish before the location, instead of location before the fish.  smile.png

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Hey Bro, 


I noticed that when using AFK Mode at Barbarian outpost, it does not really afk at all, its basically the same as whenever you click nothing in the script and run straight away. I also noticed lately for some strange reason that the drop rate is like 2x faster and it takes like 3 seconds to unload an invent of fish, which almost screams ban since its not human like to be able to do that. Another thing is, the anti-drop pattern is just a slow version of dropping the fish, it doesn't really change pattern so much at all and doing that method makes me go from 50k p/h exp to 22k p/h so its really not worth it. Is there any possibility you could adjust the afk feature just so you don't click right away to a new fishing spot when the one used is gone, maybe a 5 second interval? also to maybe hover over fishing stats to see exp would be a good anti-ban feature to add. These are my only issues after babysitting daily to notice slight unhuman features in the script, bar that its quality and I've gotten 3m fishing exp so far. Just some positive criticism on what I feel could personally do with a little touch up. hope to hear back from you soon, thanks!

Edited by acidicmauls
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Hey Bro, 


I noticed that when using AFK Mode at Barbarian outpost, it does not really afk at all, its basically the same as whenever you click nothing in the script and run straight away. I also noticed lately for some strange reason that the drop rate is like 2x faster and it takes like 3 seconds to unload an invent of fish, which almost screams ban since its not human like to be able to do that. Another thing is, the anti-drop pattern is just a slow version of dropping the fish, it doesn't really change pattern so much at all and doing that method makes me go from 50k p/h exp to 22k p/h so its really not worth it. Is there any possibility you could adjust the afk feature just so you don't click right away to a new fishing spot when the one used is gone, maybe a 5 second interval? also to maybe hover over fishing stats to see exp would be a good anti-ban feature to add. These are my only issues after babysitting daily to notice slight unhuman features in the script, bar that its quality and I've gotten 3m fishing exp so far. Just some positive criticism on what I feel could personally do with a little touch up. hope to hear back from you soon, thanks!


Thank you for this post :D


I need to remove anti-pattern dropping, since I only made it when osbot's default dropping system was bad, however they have improved it so it has somehow made antipattern dropping worse.


As for AFK mode, I can add some changes to it, however it is only suited toward non-VIP members since they can't access mirror client. With mirror mode, the script virtually needs 0 anti-ban, since client detection is gone, and mirror mode has it's own unique behaviour (it's slowness is actually beneficial).


There used to be a delay when the fishing spot changes, in fact the code is still here, so I can just increase the delay - however this will slightly reduce xp/hr and I'm sure some users will complain. So I can offer a complete 'anti-ban' mode where everything is slower and more human-like, (thus sacrificing xp) for the more wary botters.

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