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Perfect Fisher AIO


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Hey Czar just want to start off by saying you make some really great scripts and I own a bunch of them.

But while using the perfect fisher/miner in lumbridge when ever it tries to go to the bank it clicks behind the stair case and it walk all the way around the castle looks very bottish. But other then that I've been loving your script's with my favorite being the perfect fighter script!

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13 hours ago, Czar said:

Thanks for letting me know I will make some tweaks to that specific area <3 

No problem Ill keep reporting any bugs I find but tbh most of your scripts are stupid on point so good job!

One more thing I just remembered back when I suicided a fishing account at barb the barb fish and cook thing was kind of buggy only when trying to cook the food though like it would be cooking and they try and click a fish to cook and and click the fire but sometimes the cooking process already pasted that point and it clicks a cooked/burnt fish and tries to cook it. Witch makes the bot freeze for awhile till it process what happened and that its not cooking.

If I could suggest something it would be to just have it click the fire and click space bar to cook the food. idk when they made that a thing but I noticed it a couple days ago while cooking myself.

Only down side to this is that the salmon and trout switch to space bar to cook it after one of those types was last cooked. But maybe you could figure out a way to tell the bot witch one to click.


Thank's you'r amazing, keep up the good work bro! <3

Signed LoneWolf

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I have noticed some things you mentioned above too, appreciate you bringing it to my attention I was literally just fishing in barb village couple days ago to prepare some accounts for testing minnows, will head back there today.

Also good news the lumbridge walking has been improved in v163.0 today, you should see this new update go live automatically within 24 hrs <3 

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3 hours ago, Czar said:

I have noticed some things you mentioned above too, appreciate you bringing it to my attention I was literally just fishing in barb village couple days ago to prepare some accounts for testing minnows, will head back there today.

Also good news the lumbridge walking has been improved in v163.0 today, you should see this new update go live automatically within 24 hrs <3 

Great work dude look forward to seeing the barb fishing improved too keep up the bangin work man! One day we'll have all you're script absolutely perfect! Even though most of them are pretty close to already there!                                                                        

Would love to stay updated on that minnows testing! Thought about making 1 or 2 account's myself!

Signed LoneWolf

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Czar,

I purchased this script and was able to get my accounts to level up pretty well at Barbarian Village. However, I noticed the exact same issues with the cooking option that was observed by LoneWolf last month. Also, when this gets fixed, will there be any work done on banking said cooked fish?


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