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Perfect Fisher AIO


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That is a very good idea, I will definitely add a setup window to allow users to change certain script antiban settings, the only thing that OSBot client doesn't allow is to change mouse speed, aside from that I can add pretty much any antiban method biggrin.png


As for walking, I highly advise against using osbot's webwalker, it's incredibly buggy. Use the second walking option (my custom one) it's better because it doesn't spam click or anything. I added 3 walking options as an emergency option , if any of them don't work just try the next one. Usually the second one (aforementioned) is the best working one biggrin.png


The one which is called "Next-gen walker (beta)" is the best walking option, with lower ban rate too biggrin.png


As for script antiban window, it will be added as an environment tool so all of my scripts will have that extension - all I have to do is design a nice, easy-to-use menu for antiban and I will post the update ASAP.


Thanks! and yea its a pre good idea hope to see it soon :)

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I bought the script, but at the moment I'm disappointed. I can't see the full setting screen when I first start the client. I'm standing next to the Barbarian Fishing Spot ( Ottos) and it will walk somewhere totally opposite of where it needs to go.


There shouldn't be any problems with the setup interface, did you set the monitor resolution text to 125% (default) or something, because it can affect the setup window (according to the osbot devs). If anything, just post a screenshot of the bot client so I can help start the bot smile.png


Hey. Would it be possible to get a trial of this script? Very new to this forum and I'd like to be able to try without buying to begin with so I can get used to it. Will probably purchase in the future though. Thanks.

Done good luck smile.png



Awesome proggy, added to main thread ^^ biggrin.png

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@tbraden93 use the second walking option, it's more suited for karamja ^^ biggrin.png Or try the third option, there's 3-4 walking styles available just in case anything happens biggrin.png


Love the weekends Q31T4JJ.png

awesome progress report, added to main thread biggrin.pngbiggrin.png
and yes, weekends are the best for botting ^^ biggrin.png


@huntlife198, the item name is exactly "Sandworm" right? I will make it exclude banking for that item ASAP


EDIT: Added a new update for sandworms, should be live in version 0.70 of the bot, just waiting for admins to register the update ^^ :)

Edited by Czar
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