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Perfect Experiments


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Test your luck, there's always ways to avoid bans if you bot responsibly, but if you ignore advice then you will get banned faster


- avoid botting during uk work-hours (basically when jmods are online)

- reply to ingame chat, initiate chat and hop if necessary

- don't use the GE after a botting session because it's monitored

- use breaks, they can help

- don't bot on an account that has been banned before, it gets monitored

- delete jagexcache if you've had a ban


good luck wink.png activated 24 hr trial smile.png


Thanks for the tips. This is actually my first time logging back on to the site. I downloaded the jar file for the bot as well just today. I just got this quote too, I don't see a trial or any scripts that I can run currently with my account. I never used a trial for this script and like I've said before, I'm highly paranoid about botting in general after losing accounts, but honestly; don't have the time to sit and train legitimately for hours on end to work towards maxing. I'd still love to try out this script, and I'd love to get my hands on a trial for an NMZ script which I've asked for already, but awaiting a response.


Is there a way you could try to activate that 24 hour trial now for me please? I literally didn't get to try it since you responded that you gave me a trial back in April. Thanks in advanced, and I hope to hear from you soon, if there's anything I need to do to sort out the trial to appear, please let me know. As well; is the trial already supposed to be there since I didn't use the 24hr trial you said you gave me before, or did it go away after 24hrs of you giving it to me? I figured it would still be there til I use it for the 24 hour use trial you give, but maybe I'm wrong.


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Make sure to start the script with arrows/bow equipped otherwise the bot doesn't know that ranged mode is activated


Once range mode is activated, the bot will drink potions and loot arrows etc etc ^^ :D


Works very good, just make sure to configure ranged mode properly first, good luck ;)

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The bot logs out instantly


[iNFO][06/08 07:26:36 AM]: Started script : Perfect Experiments
[iNFO][bot #1][06/08 07:26:48 AM]: ---------- ready ----------
[iNFO][bot #1][06/08 07:26:50 AM]: Terminating script Perfect Experiments...
[iNFO][bot #1][06/08 07:26:50 AM]: // CzarExperiments terminated
[iNFO][bot #1][06/08 07:26:50 AM]: Script Perfect Experiments has exited!
Edited by Mercian
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