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Used this bot from 40-67 range with no issue. However, now when I turn on the bot, as soon as the paint shows up it simply auto-logs me out and the bot seems to be done. Nothing else happens. Don't know why it's doing this tho lol...




Edit; Nvm, I'm an idiot. I had no cash in my inven lmao... Bot still works AMAZING!

Edited by MisterSkeletons
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just bought its working well. just a couple thoughts/questions. it spams click on the target while shooting(idk if this is actually a problem, but it just seems kinda unnecessary)


also can you explain the anti-pattern?

it auto spam clicks so it can x out the the menu thing that pops up to show you your score when you shoot one arrow even if you did this legit thats what you would do lol

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Bought this yesterday, levelling me up in no time!

Does this script deal with randoms or is that the actual osbot?

Czar's scripting deals with the randoms. 

@the guy talking about spam clicking, that is so that when the target showing where you hit pops up it will automatically close it and keep shooting. Just gets things done faster. anti-ban includes making "mistakes" in the chat dialogue, changing camera angle around, and dismissing randoms.

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Well it only ever logs out if it's too far away from the range guild, or if it's out of coins. And if neither are true in your case, then you are most likely using mirror client - if so, then log out and log back in (and hook the client without being logged in).

If you are not using mirror client then just do a client restart and it should work tongue.png

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Well it only ever logs out if it's too far away from the range guild, or if it's out of coins. And if neither are true in your case, then you are most likely using mirror client - if so, then log out and log back in (and hook the client without being logged in).

If you are not using mirror client then just do a client restart and it should work tongue.png

Regardless I have no issue with simply logging back in if it happens.

I just purchased Dreamrange just to test it out and the damn thing bugged out withing 5 minutes.

Your script is clearly the best, I know its not professional for you to brag but just know your script is light years ahead of Dreamrange lol..

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