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Goodbye for now


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The reason I have to go now is because on the 27th after a year of studying I finally take the dreadful LSAT(Law School Admissions Test). I am consistently getting a score in the 80th percentile of test takers but I really want to get higher for Harvard Law school(doesn't matter now and I doubt I can pull my score high enough but there's still a slim chance I could get in despite not having their desired score because of other important factors on my resume). Fingers crossed though. Nevertheless I am sure I will make it to one of the top 20 Law schools so it will be a good time regardless smile.png.


Anyways a little bit about me I have been here on and off for a little over a year now. I only became more active in the past few months and it's been a blast smile.png. I came back initially when f2p had been out for about 2 weeks in an attempt to bot f2p so I could get a bond bring back my mule sell stuff on the mule get another bond and from there make a wood cutting bot to get 5 bonds and ultimately bring back my main 3 months membership. I did it all and then some smile.png.


For one I sold my level 97 wc account for 4.5m which felt really good after having been hacked for a little more than 20m back in february. Also as some of you may know I am very big on quest and plan to either join a service or make my own someday. However not being apart of a service hasn't stopped me from taking jobs as a quester(no thread though just browsing through the service request forum). Below in the spoilers are snap shots of basically all the jobs I have had the wonderful opportunity to take.



Sadly I also did a 1-50 construction job but I never took a screenshot apparently when looking back at my skype chatlog =(.


Finally I want to give a shout out to some users who have contributed to this pleasant experience for the past few months.


Ludacris: Thanks for buying all those rs07 logs from me in rs3 gp. It really helped me get all those bonds.


Tool: thanks for being my 1st quest job ever despite me having 0 fb as a quester.


kamil123: Thanks for buying the 97 wc account; sorry to hear it got banned but glad you made 10m profit smile.png.


yookes: Thanks for trusting me with your account doing all those quest for you. I am really looking forward to helping you get the quest cape when I come back.


Sentende: thanks for giving me the opportunity to do monkey madness on your 1 def pure(also for being the 1st user to ever pay me upfront before I did the job which felt awesome).


iamspecs: Thanks for letting me be your 1-50 construction power leveler. Glad you enjoyed my work and I look forward to power leveling 1-50 construction again for you. 


master00j: Your fire cape job for me was fantastic. Thanks for doing it for me for 3m that felt wonderful and I really hope to see your services flourish in the future.


The Hero of Time: It was really nice talking with you from time to time


Acerd: Thank you for being middle man to the account sale+fire cape I bought. 


Zeus: Thank you for being middle man for my 1st quest job with yookes.


Wise Old Man: Thank you so much for refunding me when your worker stole 1m from me. that was an awesome thing to do and I am extremely thankful to you for the help.


Trustmybet: Thank you for selling me countless bonds and being a middle man for a few trades for me.


Dex: Thanks for encouraging me to carry out my dispute on the user who hacked me for 20m and helping me post that dispute for my 1m stolen. Thank you for all your help with my many questions as well; you have been extremely helpful in my time here and I can't thank you enough.


Eliot:   Even though it was completely up to chance thanks for giving me your wc script for free for a month. I know I am a little late but congrats on becoming a mod too.


Asuna:  Thanks for encouraging me to frequent the chat box it's been lots of fun. I will definitely visit chat box when I come back in october.


Smart: Last but not least; Thank you for considering me as a potential worker for your AIO service when I come back in October. It's been awhile since we last spoke but I hope to hear your AIO service is alive and well.


To everyone else thanks for being apart of my experience in a similar/less personal fashion but nevertheless meaningful smile.png.


That's all for now *sprouts angel wings and flies off into the distance...*


Kindest Regards, Noah

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Im not there... sad.png

Sorry I don't think we have worked together before. I mean we did talk once or twice in chat box but that was it(which isn't bad it's quite alright).


Don't look at it that way though; think of the butterfly effect. How each element no matter how minor is in part the cause of a much larger effect in either a big or small way. In short everything effects everything to be what it is in some pretty wild ways not typically thought of due to being so insignificant.


Simply put in a way you did even if in a small/indirect way help to shape my experience on OSbot as did everyone else and simultaneously we helped to influence the experience of others but we'd never know unless we deal with said individuals on a personal basis/said impact was explicitly stated by them. It's probably too small to quantify but still something rather than nothing.


It's all good.

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