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What's the longest you were able to bot in f2p before getting banned?


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I made it on two accounts. One 8 hours the other 10 o.0


I am not sure if that's really good or what but I remember getting banned anywhere between 10 minutes or rarely 2 hours tops. so this is pretty amazing(Granted the script I was on had world hop, bot world support and my breaks were perfect).


Just curious what the average is smile.png.

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While developing a private script of mine for making a few cashmoneys i ran the script for 36h straight without a ban. Infact my 2 week f2p trial ended before i got banned, and i was botting pretty much 15h/day.


u guys should learn to script, that way you can make your own script with a much lower ban rate than public ones :)



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Around 78 woodcutting, 40+ all melee stats, 60+ mining doing nothing but rune ess because none of the proper miners work like they should and 56 Firemaking. That's what I did in f2p.


All that in less than a week, still not banned and botting in p2p right now with around 5M total exp, none of which is legit play. (though mostlikely getting banned soon, we'll see.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is getting really annoying, i created one members account i got banned after 30 wc in varrock no players near me at all.

and after that i made 3 f2p account and they got banned after 1-2 hours ea...

Please help i really wanna bot i love the feeling but when i get banned after 1-2 hours its just frustraing any tips/tricks u pros have????????????????????????????????????????????????

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