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Cybersquatter vs Timekeeper


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Well as many people know I have a business in real life.



Well today I go to register my domains for my website and they are already taken. Well I try a couple different versions and sure enough they are all taken. Well the gentleman didn't bother to make whois information private so I google him and find he has an even larger shop than I with over 30+ registered domains obviously doing this to various shops. 


I contact him and he acts oblivious. Says his shop manager randomally buys domains if he thinks they sound good but then drops a sentence saying, "Yeah happened to a buddy of mine as well and he had to pay $1500 a domain to get them back".


Boom, guy is trying to hustle me. We trade some threats and I let him know he can keep the domains however if he redirects them to his own website or in anyway tries using my business name for profit I will press criminal charges. Well I get off the phone and I am steaming. 


So I decide to look up his website, it's an okay website and I remember he says he was about to open his own e-commerce. So i get a devious idea. I head over to godaddy and start trying all the different versions of what his e-commerce website name would be. (In my industry it's very straight forward, its name<industry><specialty>. Everyone follows that template. So I start running through all of the different ways he can make it, plus a couple that deal with his local area, and buy them all for a year.


I screen shot it and send him a picture of all the domains I just registered and said something like, "Well these are taken but you can always use <hisbusinessname>cantsellshit.com. He replies back we can make a trade. Lol.


The funny thing is, the main website URL I wanted I had, he had just picked up some side ones, whereas I actually have his main ones. I replied back, "Nah I think I will use them as redirects thanks for the idea though" and now I have several voicemails threatening legal prosecution. Funny thing is while I was at it I decided to file a trademark for his shop name (lol) and found out that this gentleman infact does not have his business name trademarked. So I submitted that paperwork early this morning. 


It's going to be quite amusing when I have my lawyer send him a C&D for copyright infringement regarding his own shopname lol.


Wanna act like a bitch, get treated like a bitch.

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what is your business? 


also when was the domain registered and when did you start your business?



I'm in the automotive industry, domain registered June, Business started 3 years ago roughly. We have our shop name domain, but we didn't have an e-commerce version with the shop name, which is what he tried taking

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