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True or False: Every problem since the dawn of time can somehow be linked back to Jagex?


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Just think about that image for a moment... every natural disaster, every extinction of a species, every disease, every war, and all the other human tragedies both on the societal and personal level were caused by the team at jagex since the dawn of time. Even minor problems like when one of your favorite series gets canceled... jagex was there. Your pet running away? Who knows jagex is unpredictable like that, hiding in the shadows  ready to cause misfortune to all.

We need to rise up! Gotta beat the system! Fight the power!

Lol of course I am joking, but it does make you wonder if any of the non botting rs players/jagex team feel that way about us botters.

Mod Mark: Those gosh darn botters *simultaneously drinking raw milk straight from a cow and eating a bucket of KFC *Wipes chicken grease over his face* They're cutting into our profits and more importantly MUH SNACKS!!!!!!!! *heart attack*

Mod weath: oh for the love of saradomin!!!!!!!!! WE'RE LOSING HIM!! CLEAR!!! *zaps his chest with a lighting spell*

Mod Mark: Thank you, any ways yeah we're awesome and botters are worse than the nazis.

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The point still stands, the dude's a whale. I bet when he goes near a swimming pool people run in horror because they know when he jumps in there's going to be a tsunami!


I used to be 100lbs over weight so it's cool for me to make this joke. Plus he and the other Jmods keep banning us so... Yeah no holding back.

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