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OSBot 2.2.11 - AutoUp & API updates


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Dear community,

This update consists out of two parts:

  • API updates
  • AutoUp, OSBot's client auto updater

The following API updates are added:

  • Fixed NPE in the walking event @author Swizzbeat
  • Fixed Tab.isDisabled() @author Xerion
  • Fixed DepositBox.depositAllExcept()  @author Swizzbeat
  • Added ExperienceTracker.getElapsed() @author Swizzbeat
  • Deprecated activateAutoRetaliate(boolean) @author Alek
    Deprecated setSpecialAttack(boolean) @author Alek
    Added toggleAutoRetaliate(boolean) @author Alek
    Added toggleSpecialAttack(boolean) @author Alek
    Added getFighting() @author Alek
    Added isFighting() @author Alek
  • Added areRoofsEnabled() @author Alek
    Added toggleRoofs(boolean) @author Alek
    Added getBrightness() @author Alek
    Updated openHouseOptions @author Alek
    Updated setHouseBuildingMode @author Alek
  • Added Area.getPositions() @author Alek
  • Fixed Bank & Inventory depositAllExcept() methods @author Swizzbeat
  • Fixed canReach() @author Swizzbeat
  • BeeKeeper most ID's fixed @author ytao
  • Extended Dialogues class @author Swizzbeat

The OSBot client auto updater has been added in this release. On the release of v2.2.12 you will be able to download the new client and launch it with zero effort. The information of the client auto updater can be found here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/58559-autoup-automatic-client-updates/




The planned addition of a system where certain API developers will be able to upload API updates through a web interface that get automatically released to the public is not yet started development yet. This will follow shortly.




Maxi & the OSBot team

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