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I did doubling money one day on RS because I was bored a few years back. I blew 50m or something doubling money. I woke up the next day to a mute and when I looked up the reason, it was for item scamming.


Imagine how pissed I was.


I appealed it and the mute was like 3 or 5 days or something. The appeal was accepted a day after my mute wore off. 


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Tried it once to see if I was any good at it. I spammed that I was trimming rune armor for 5k a piece. One guy came up and put full rune and 20k into the trading screen, accepted to the second page (I had a total nerd boner at this time), and kept the screen up for a minute then closed out, said scammer, and walked away. I was so disappointed that I didn't play RS for a week after that. This was back when my bank consisted of half mithril half steel set, a gold necklace, and a diamond ring that I finally saved up for to give to my "gf" that was actually a dude next time i saw her him.

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