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APA AIO Cooker


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Just did a quick test run in nardah and it handles the poll booth just fine :/




Are you using mirror mode?

no,just injection


i think it always happen when trying to bank and it missclick the booth.




also,i think you need to change the way it goes to the range in nardah,make sure it always click minimap to go to range.


Edited by Gleets
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Could you add support for sweetcorn? I would buy the script then.


Luckily for you, it already supports sweetcorn! :)



As for walking errors in nardah guys, i'm hanging around until the devs get back to my question about interface handling. Please be patient! I promise this hasn't been forgotten :)



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i just bought script and i cant start it

[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 01:34:16 PM]: Terminating script APA AIO Cooker...
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 01:34:16 PM]: Error in script onExit(): APA AIO Cooker
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 01:34:16 PM]: Script APA AIO Cooker has exited!
[iNFO][12/02 01:34:16 PM]: Started script : APA AIO Cooker
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i just bought script and i cant start it

[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 01:34:16 PM]: Terminating script APA AIO Cooker...
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 01:34:16 PM]: Error in script onExit(): APA AIO Cooker
[iNFO][bot #1][12/02 01:34:16 PM]: Script APA AIO Cooker has exited!
[iNFO][12/02 01:34:16 PM]: Started script : APA AIO Cooker





What does it say before that?


Also, what location and food do you chose?



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u need to start script in game ? or u can start it before u logging in account ?

that error is without login in account 

and i am planning to cook darb crab in rogue's den there is an error? for this location or this food?


Should work... What does the whole logger say? you've pasted the bit after the script stops which isn't much use to me!

Also, you can start it logged in or logged out, it shouldn't matter.



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Sorry for the long wait on the pollbooth and bank booth issues, i'm glad to say the problem has been solved.


Version 1.55

  • Fixed bug stopping script starting on latest client revision (dev build)
  • Walking problems in nardah are now completely SOLVED! :)

Enjoy! special thanks to @Gleets for the thorough reports surrounding this issue, and alek for adding interface handling to localwalker.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm.. Karambwans @ rogue den is not working. Uses karambwans on fire and keeps doing that without actually choosing "cook all". 


Yea, someone else mentioned this too, but there's not much I can do as I don't have an account with karambwans unlocket. Please could you tell me what the stack trace is ?



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