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I think Ex - Staff Deserve..


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A glow, only if they really deserve it though, if the ex staff member has contributed more than enough to this site then I reckon that they should receive a glow to their name, to show everyone that, that member has done more than enough for this site.


This is just a suggestion, I think it'd be nice to have, as most ex staff aren't as active as they used to be, if they see themselves as getting more recognized for their contribution then maybe they'll see reasons to stay, I also know that some members' are ex - staff for certain reasons. (I.E Personal Problems).


Altogether, I think it's a nice feature to have. ^_^

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We wouldn't be able to distinguish glows between Ex-Staff that do deserve it from those who do not.


If one individual in the Ex-Staff usergroup deserved it, but the others did not, we would probably have to create a separate usergroup just for that user.


Basically, either all of them have it, or all of them don't. tongue.png


I see your point, maybe a group called Super Ex & Just Ex Staff.

Obviously If this causes a hassle then there really is no point I was just putting ex staff into consideration.


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