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Khal AIO RuneCrafter


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Bot seems to work decently, a few small issues. One larger issue however is that for whatever reason the bot isn't repairing pouches via NPC Contact. Not sure if this is brought up anywhere else in this thread but I've had it running for a few hours now and 3 pouches have now decayed and no repairing is occurring. Do I need to have the Contact NPC runes in my inventory? I have the required runes in the same tab as the RC gear.


Doing cosmics via walking and have tried a few times now. Have the correct settings selected in order for NPC contact repair.


Also, when doing cosmics, the bot occasionally gets buggy at the first high lvl obstacle after exiting it. The status will rapidly change back and forth from "interacting with jutting wall" and "walking to ruins". It usually comes right after 20 seconds or so. 

Will take a look at that both your issues.

Mirror mode or regular?


This scripts Works real great just got 3 suicide bots banned for 24/7 no breaks its the only bans ive ever got with this amazing script


- A small problem with run/energy pots it forgets to drink full up and just walks with the pot

- Sometimes it just stands with the abby monsters untill it teleports without even trying to find an entrance (Maby its becuase my bots only got mining levels)

- When its almost dead it sometimes doblet tele

Im not sure if all the bugs above have been fixed thats just the once i've seen using this script


I would love it if you added a get glory/amor back if it dies in abbys (NOT by a pker) and the chance of bringing food with it, it would be GREATsmile.pngsmile.png

- I gues syou are talking about abyss here right?

- Script status when it doesn't to anything in abyss? Printscreen?

- double tele -> Glort or house tp (runes/tabs)?



Bot will not use ring of dueling method for fire runes with rune essence, will only use pure essence for some reason. Rune essence at top of my bank.
[iNFO][bot #1][07/18 08:35:11 AM]: Stopping script - No Pure essence found, retrying
[iNFO][bot #1][07/18 08:35:12 AM]: Stopping script - No Pure essence found, retrying
[iNFO][bot #1][07/18 08:35:12 AM]: Stopping script - No Pure essence found, retrying
[iNFO][bot #1][07/18 08:35:12 AM]: Stopping script - No Pure essence found, retrying
[iNFO][bot #1][07/18 08:35:12 AM]: Stopping script - No Pure essence found, retrying
[iNFO][bot #1][07/18 08:35:12 AM]: Stopping script - No Pure essence found, retrying
[iNFO][bot #1][07/18 08:35:12 AM]: Stopping script - No Pure essence found, retrying
[iNFO][bot #1][07/18 08:35:12 AM]: Stopping script - No Pure essence found, retrying
And won't walk to fire altar once it enters the mysterious ruins.
This is only on ring of dueling method, normal altar works fine, but could do with some duel arena banking to save time.
Am also having the 'walking to rock/gap' bug reported above when crafting nats. Overall not happy with the script so far but am hoping it will be flawless once a fix is pushed.


Advanced altars always use pure essence. I could add rune ess for this if you really want...


Will take a look a the Ring of duelling method + the major abyss issue



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Script updated to V2.02:

- Fixed cosmic pouch repair

- Updated cosmic walking 

- Changed a minor thing at potion support

- Fire altar with RoD walking to altar should work fine (Worked fine for me already)

- Fixed Abyss walking to object issue


Should be online in a few hours

Sorry for the long wait on the fix :/


Kind regards


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Running Cosmics/Natures via the Abyss and after entering the inner ring, it just stands there sometimes and doesn't go to the entrance to the altar?


Also, could you make it so that it eats, changes glory, drinks the energy/stamina potion and fills up the pouches with pure essence all in one action? That ones less important but it could save time.



Edited by ddotd
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Running Cosmics/Natures via the Abyss and after entering the inner ring, it just stands there sometimes and doesn't go to the entrance to the altar?


Also, could you make it so that it eats, changes glory, drinks the energy/stamina potion and fills up the pouches with pure essence all in one action? That ones less important but it could save time.



I'm still waiting for Alek to push my update.

That would make the script less stable in my opinion ... :/

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The only method I am referring to here is the Abyss method:


Also, I see that the update has not been pushed yet (assuming) so I am just going to list the problems I still see..  Don't know if they have all been labeled here yet.


The rock/pathing thing


When I used a axe it cut the Trendils, then about 1/15 runs, the status would change to Distracting the Eyes status, after already entering the inner ring.


Also, I do not know if this is a bug or not programmed in, but is there any way that I can make it so that it will pull a new house tab out of my bank every trip?  Right now, I have to have all of the house tabs I plan on using in my inventory or it will log me out.



Thanks for updating, bought the script aboutaweekago and was getting kinda worried, haha.

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The only method I am referring to here is the Abyss method:


Also, I see that the update has not been pushed yet (assuming) so I am just going to list the problems I still see..  Don't know if they have all been labeled here yet.


The rock/pathing thing


When I used a axe it cut the Trendils, then about 1/15 runs, the status would change to Distracting the Eyes status, after already entering the inner ring.


Also, I do not know if this is a bug or not programmed in, but is there any way that I can make it so that it will pull a new house tab out of my bank every trip?  Right now, I have to have all of the house tabs I plan on using in my inventory or it will log me out.



Thanks for updating, bought the script aboutaweekago and was getting kinda worried, haha.


Ya I know what you mean, should be fixed in V2.02 ^^

Sorry for the long delay.


Doesn't it withdraw your teleport tabs every run?

It's programmed to take 1 every run.


EDIT: Fixed the house tab issue aswell in V2.02.

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