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Khal AIO Agility


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On 21-10-2017 at 11:19 PM, cory97 said:

May I please have a trial to this?


On 21-10-2017 at 11:47 PM, jenox said:

Would love to try it!! please trial :D


22 hours ago, peachestv said:

Trial please :) Been interested to see what a quality script actually looks like


8 hours ago, Stevo724 said:

Trial please . :)

Enjoy the trial

8 hours ago, angermidet1 said:

Heads up to everyone getting trials or thinking about buying this script. It's A1 quality shit. I went from 30-81 agility with it and I grinded tons of gp at agility pyramid with the beta function. :D 


Just wanted to go ahead and rep for this beast of a programmer. ;)

You are awesome!!

16 hours ago, Molde said:

Trial please :)

Have fun! <3

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Hey bought this script and am happy with it, however my java settings / os bot are bugged and I cant see beneath the 'eat at hp' option.


I have to push tab twice then enter to start the script.


I want to turn on the teleport to camelot option but cant work out how, can you please let me know what keys need to be pressed to turn it on? or just send a pic of the proper UI

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20 hours ago, mwtom said:

hey man could i get the trail? thanks.


17 hours ago, 64th said:

Would love to try out the trial :)


14 hours ago, BigL said:

Ok got it;

click the 'eat at hp' box

tab, space, tab, enter 

will start script with teleport to seers active lets go

Glad you found it
It's an annoying issue with the UI :/

10 hours ago, Anomaly said:

trial pls

Enjoy the trials!

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