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APA Rock Crabs


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  On 1/20/2015 at 10:43 AM, Notepad1 said:

As of update 2.3.15, the bot runs out of food tele's back withdraws food and just sits there? Don't know if it's a client issue or your bot is out of date or something don't know haha but please look into it thanks smile.png


Brilliant bot have botted 1-92 str so far (obby pure).



  On 1/20/2015 at 1:21 PM, dr pepper said:

yup just sits at bank atm



@ Both


Heya guys, This issue seems to be due to the latest client release which offered big changes to the API. I am in the process of discussing the errors with the devs, @Maxi in order to determine the cause of this issue. Stay tuned!



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Thank you for the 24 hour trial!


I must say there is no way anyone could try this and not buy it! It's so reliable!! First time I used it I left the house for about 8 hours, came back thinking I would be logged out or stuck somewhere, but no it was still going! I haven't had one issue with it !


Great work and effort you put into this. I just bought it.



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  On 1/21/2015 at 5:46 AM, Fallingworld said:

Indeed. Still sitting in the bank for me as well.  Bought the script today without trying it first. Should have read the forum ahead of time and saved a few days of paying..



  On 1/21/2015 at 5:04 AM, Notepad1 said:

After update 2.3.16 I can confirm that after an inventory it tabs back withdraws food and still sits at the bank.


  On 1/21/2015 at 2:04 AM, codyarrowood said:

hello this happened to me after update 2.3.16 not 2,3,15 and this script working perfectly till now can you help us.either if i walk it to crabs and put it on it tabs instantly and sits at bank even after inventory is ready first time having such issue with your script



  On 1/21/2015 at 2:11 AM, leetservices said:

^^ same



Hi guys,


Looks like the walking is still a little messed up in this client release too. There's nothing I can do other than talk to the devs and come to a solution. It was working perfectly before the big update of .15, literally, any fixes are out of my power :(


I'm in conversation with maxi and hopefully it will be fixed for sure by next release.



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  On 1/21/2015 at 2:19 PM, maiss said:

still withdraws and sits in bank. only need 665k more xp to 99 str C'MON MAN!!!! Are you able to undo the .15 update?


It's a client update, there's nothing I can do except from push for it to be fixed.

does the script just sit there in the bank not moving? if so what's the state?




  On 1/21/2015 at 3:50 PM, Notepad1 said:

At the moment I've started using Version 2.3.7 since I still had it, it banks and runs back smile.png So if you have a client version before 2.3.15 use it and it should work.



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