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SuperScript Factory 3 Day Free Trials


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Due to popular request, SSF will be opening up free three day trials to all OSBot users. Every three days we will allow fifteen applicants to test drive our script. All rotations are done at midnight eastern standard time.



Q1 - Do you own any other premium scripts that you can compare SSF to?

Q2 - Would you be willing to post some screenshots of your experiences with SSF after your 72 hour trial?

Q3 - What types of scripts are you interested in making with SSF?

Q4 - What do you currently think of SSF?

Current Lineup


June 3rd - , @Perplexity, @rsjofaa, @somepoe, @Epsilon, @boizero



May 26th - @shai@Justin12785@Enjoy@atuunaf@Salmano@Lolpol123@981chipmonk@Volta


May 23rd - @Pikachu@I69U@Target@Acerd@puzzle@James@tommied7@YenK@Sex, @TheInspiredOne@qw3@brendanxd, [member=xgate'


May 31st - @boxcuttapazzy@FletchingNL@Nezz@Wizard@updeitti2@Runescape99




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Q1 - Do you own any other premium scripts that you can compare SSF to? No, I do not

Q2 - Would you be willing to post some screenshots of your experiences with SSF after your 24 hour trial?  Yes I defiantly will, I will most likely run it for around 20+ hours and report back my findings of any bugs, speed, ect.

Q3 - What types of scripts are you interested in making with SSF? I'm interested in some complex scripts such as multi task scripts. Killing X monster, picking up bones, use on altar, Rinse and repeat

Q4 - What do you currently think of SSF? I think it's going to revolutionize botting.  There are so many possibilities that this one script can bring.  I mean you can make your OWN scripts that you could share with others or keep for your own personal use.

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Q1 - Do you own any other premium scripts that you can compare SSF to? - None. 

Q2 - Would you be willing to post some screenshots of your experiences with SSF after your 72 hour trial? - Absolutely. Already been doing that :)

Q3 - What types of scripts are you interested in making with SSF? Was about to start working on a granite miner. Created a Humidifier, Stun Alcher, and a Willow Firemaker.

Q4 - What do you currently think of SSF? - Absolutely Brilliant

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Do you own any other premium scripts that you can compare SSF to? nah

Q2 - Would you be willing to post some screenshots of your experiences with SSF after your 72 hour trial? i'll try 

Q3 - What types of scripts are you interested in making with SSF?  secret, cant reveal method

Q4 - What do you currently think of SSF? its lovely wub.png 


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Q1 - Do you own any other premium scripts that you can compare SSF to? I do have frostbugs imp hunter that's 15$ but no aio script that can do so much so no

Q2 - Would you be willing to post some screenshots of your experiences with SSF after your 72 hour trial? I will provide very good proggies and purchase if i like

Q3 - What types of scripts are you interested in making with SSF?  scripts that do multipule skills and change what their doing a lot for anti ban

Q4 - What do you currently think of SSF? It looks very promising me likey

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Q1 - Do you own any other premium scripts that you can compare SSF to? yes

Q2 - Would you be willing to post some screenshots of your experiences with SSF after your 72 hour trial? Of course I'll post screenshots, its the least I can do.

Q3 - What types of scripts are you interested in making with SSF? Not sure, what ever works great and with low anti ban I suppose. I like Rc bots, like abyss maybe you'll make one wink.png

Q4 - What do you currently think of SSF? I hear you guys are great, hope the stories are true.

Edited by xgate
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Do you own any other premium scripts that you can compare SSF to? Yes

Q2 - Would you be willing to post some screenshots of your experiences with SSF after your 72 hour trial? If that's what you ask of, then yes.

Q3 - What types of scripts are you interested in making with SSF? Most likely mining, slayer, and magic.

Q4 - What do you currently think of SSF? This is a brilliant concept, I'm sure this will be the most successful bot out there.

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Q1 - Do you own any other premium scripts that you can compare SSF to? Yes FuduFisher but I do not use it anymore.

Q2 - Would you be willing to post some screenshots of your experiences with SSF after your 72 hour trial? Of course.

Q3 - What types of scripts are you interested in making with SSF? A law rune runner through hot air balloon.

Q4 - What do you currently think of SSF? I think it seems like a great idea if it really has as much potential as I have seen.

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