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OSBot BETA 2.1.1 - Proxy Support, CPU Enhancements, and More!


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alot less cpu nice but api issues with legacy still

ERROR][Bot #1][05/06 08:43:33 PM]: Error in bot executor!java.lang.StackOverflowError	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.rs2.map.Position.walkMinimap(cf:59)	at org.osbot.legacy.script.MethodProvider.walkMiniMap(rg:644)

Fixed on my private build. I'll release the bug fix soon.

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The packaging changed, not the API. Barely anything has changed structurally inside the class files.

I'm pretty sure the arguments were swapped in a few of the methods.

interactWithItemForName was one of them (I think, it's been a while since I looked) it threw @Novak and I for a loop. :P


So the script I wrote before for osb2 (when you released first beta version of it publicly) should still work with the latest release of osb2?

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Very well working flax picking script: http://pastebin.com/dMS8Lv1U. Note it depends on a class called PositionPolygon which will be added on the next release (tomorrow). PositionPolygon is basically an array of positions that can form areas of various polygonal shapes or be used as a list of points for walking. This should make walking fool-proof for scripters.


tl;dr this script won't be able to compile until tomorrow! But it's a good reference as it uses various cool OSBot 2 features.

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Very well working flax picking script: http://pastebin.com/dMS8Lv1U. Note it depends on a class called PositionPolygon which will be added on the next release (tomorrow). PositionPolygon is basically an array of positions that can form areas of various polygonal shapes or be used as a list of points for walking. This should make walking fool-proof for scripters.


tl;dr this script won't be able to compile until tomorrow! But it's a good reference as it uses various cool OSBot 2 features.


Very nice.


Looking forward to the release. Keep up the hard work man.

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