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Timekeepers 1-99 Slayer


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Once when I was traveling abroad I encountered what I consider a pivotal moment in my life.



I had been hiking for 4 days, the trail had long disappeared and the others had turned back. But I had set out to reach a goal, to achieve a physical and mental feat like no other in my life. On my 5th day the path turned narrow and I had to cross a long abandoned bridge supported by vines, this ominous bridge had long been abandoned to nature, and nature had staked its claim.


I remember staring at this bridge for quite some time, as a heavy fogged rolled in taking the already dangerous path, obscuring my path and testing my will. I thought about the dozens of miles I had traveled, I thought about the path I had forced through the wilderness, through the decades of over growth and through the marshes, that who knows how many years since the last person has fought this far. The bridge was regarded as rumor by most as I recall, that's how long it had been since someone had actually seen it. There I was, standing face to face with something that wasn't suppose to exist. I must admit, the urge to turn back was almost over-whelming, I had traveled too far and seen to much. I knew my first step could have been my last but at the same time, I knew I had too much in this life to do to not do this. The first step might as well been an eternity, and they quickly became easier, I remember crossing this bridge with a great deal of pride in myself and pure excitement. This soon passed for hours later I was caught in a rock slide. I remember laying there with boulder after boulder running me down, I remember waiting for the one that would make all turn black but it never came. I sat there for what seemed like weeks when a blurred figure appeared to me. His voice, aged and old, sounded like a familiar voice, it sounded like a voice that had long ago murmured a secret, eons ago, meant just for me, and now these words were finally reaching me. I remember in between my ever growing shallower breaths asking, "What...what do you want". What he said to me next made me the man I am. He said, " I need about tree fiddy." It was around this time I realized that this man was about 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the paleozoic era.


Ever since then I knew I had to set out to hit 99 slayer. This is my story.



Day 1.3aa4e352382735bd237e2275dfac4564.png


Day 3: Haven't made much progress as you notice I keep getting distracting having to level this and that for requirements, also script im using is kind of buggy but such is life.






Once again still dealing with growing pains. Have a lot of quest I am about to knock out.





I did loads of quest over the last couple days and made time to double down on slayer.





Should had made more progress than this but some how I died...so ye


Decided to get 60/60/60 like a proper noob then go for 70/70/70







5/9/2014- Progress is still going at slayer pace, about to change up slayer master.




5/28/14- Haven't made a great deal of progress work became overloaded and I became distracted but got that baby back up and runnin



Edited by Timekeeper
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