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More Script Managers


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Alek has proved to the administrators that he can be trusted with the SDN, I don't know if anyone else can.

It's not hard. The three I listed are who I would've considered first. Plus they're all more experienced (from what I've seen) that him.


There's a lot of behind the scenes stuff Alek has been doing that none of us know about, it's not as easy as you think.

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Alek has proved to the administrators that he can be trusted with the SDN, I don't know if anyone else can.

It's not hard. The three I listed are who I would've considered first. Plus they're all more experienced (from what I've seen) that him.


There's a lot of behind the scenes stuff Alek has been doing that none of us know about, it's not as easy as you think.


That's what they want you to think. I know their 'decisions'.

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I'm locking this topic because all it is doing is perpetuating false rumors and accusations. There is no conspiracy, I was appointed to manage the SDN and everything that encompasses it. This includes taking care of the Script Writers and meeting their needs; and ensuring that the community receives updated and new scripts in a timely fashion.


My credentials are well suited as I've worked with large databases in the past, and I'm sure there are other well-qualified scripters/programmers here that could do the same job. We are only in need of one script manager right now and until we need more, there is no need to add more. Setting up and teaching new Admins and Script Managers is time consuming process, time which could potentially be used to work on the client or improve the API.


The job is being done adequately and proficiently. If you feel otherwise, please contact @Maldesto.

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