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Nexus AIO Farmer


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14 hours ago, symbl said:

another thing just happened the bot kept was not able to open the grand exchange cause mouse wasnt quite in the right spot and makes the bot to get stuck moving the cursor slightly up and down not making a difference 😄

[INFO][Bot #1][05/29 04:08:00 PM]: [BuyGrandExchangeItemEvent] - Opening the grand exchange
[INFO][Bot #1][05/29 04:08:02 PM]: [BuyGrandExchangeItemEvent] - Opening the grand exchange
[INFO][Bot #1][05/29 04:08:04 PM]: [BuyGrandExchangeItemEvent] - Opening the grand exchange
[INFO][Bot #1][05/29 04:08:06 PM]: [BuyGrandExchangeItemEvent] - Opening the grand exchange
[INFO][Bot #1][05/29 04:08:08 PM]: [BuyGrandExchangeItemEvent] - Opening the grand exchange
[INFO][Bot #1][05/29 04:08:10 PM]: [BuyGrandExchangeItemEvent] - Opening the grand exchange


The screenshot does not open, was it zoomed out too much and the click area was to small?

8 hours ago, Supersuka said:

i would love so much for a trial <3


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1 hour ago, Sambuca said:

broken multi of different things. please update tia

Nothing is broken, if you think something is not working correctly make a proper bug report and provide info.
Because with "broken" I'm pretty sure it's your setup or whatever that's broken in most of the cases 😉

4 hours ago, Hartynz said:

Hi Khal. Can i please have a trial for this one. Want to see how stable it is now before purchase. 


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6 hours ago, Sambuca said:

nah its broken, from updates


The script gets updated with every update. The last farming update was when varlamore was added.

Without any proper info what you think is broken or your settings there is no way I can help 😉  I run this myself on my ironman acc and it works just fine for me 

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Been running this for....oh 3 weeks now I think? Runs nonstop all week until server updates, rarely a hiccup and when it has them(pathing/lag) it accounts for it and fixes itself, only hop on the accounts to transfer items back and forth. Bit complex initial setup if you aren't exactly sure what you're doing but once you figure it out, it goes quickly and does what it's supposed to.

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