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Wacky Crabber

Wacky Jacky

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wTHmKTi.pngWelcome to Wacky Crabber!


1. Add on the SDN (click to add)
2. Select Desired Settings
3. Press start!


About the script:
No more long resets, just like the rune lite plugin find the exact reset spot!
Wacky Crabber is a script that lets you train your (melee) combat stats with custom-made tasking order on sand crabs, king crabs, ammonite crabs and soon rock crabs in various locations. Range combat is also supported.

You can use gear progression when you got all the items in the bank, all foods are supported
(*), looting, and multiple hopping/crash preferences. The script also features a unique SYOT (Select Your Own Tile) option, where you can enter the coordinates of your preferred crab spot and the script will use it seamlessly(**). The script ensures the shortest possible resets by detecting crab re-agro tiles if the tile is exactly next to the player it knows, and also hunts wandering crabs if someone crashes your spot. Whether you want to level up your melee, range, or both, Wacky Crabber is the script for you. Add it on the SDN, select your settings, and press start!

patch notes:



New Spot Finding Algorithm:
Fastest: This uses the old algorithm to quickly find the first spot that resets crab aggression.
Closest: Slower, but guarantees the closest spot by calculating walking distance.

Q: What does this mean?
A: The "Fastest" algorithm might detect the closest spot, even if it's two tiles behind a wall, resulting in a longer runtime (up to 30 seconds or a minute) as it navigates around obstacles. 
On the other hand, "Closest" recognizes that spots behind obstacles aren't as close as they seem, finding the true closest spot based on walkable distance. 
While this may add 1-5 seconds to search times, it significantly saves time in places like the Crab Claw Caves.

Altered Anti-Disconnect: Hopefully, this keeps you online reliably now.
Fixed Infinite Banking Loop Bug: This issue slipped past all testers but has been resolved, sorry  of the ones to take the hit.




  • - Main Functionality: This script ensures the shortest possible resets, detecting crab re-agro tiles even if they are next to the player!
    (only the inital reset is kinda long to allign the chunks)

  • - SYOT (Select Your Own Tile): Is your spot missing? Use SYOT by entering the XYZ coordinates of your preferred crab spot and watch it seamlessly go and use that! Important: currently only within, catacombs, kourend, fossil island, more will follow. Any spot out side these regions you must reset it ones manually!
  • - Gear Progression: Add any weapon to the bank, and the script will retrieve the highest possible one, it will return to the bank to get it at the desired levels you toggled on in the GUI. The same applies to armor and range bows, only bows... Need to bank for range gear, I recommand Khal Utilities.
  • - Combat Tasking: Specify your desired stats sequence, and let the script handle the rest. OSBot queue compatible!
  • - Queue: Supported, this will trigger when the desired combat tasks are finished, or the set range level is reached.
  • - Range Mode: Stop at custom arrow quantity or range level. Choose whether to stop at the bank or on the spot itself, with the option to pick up ammo between random (x) and (y) kills, it will grab all the nearby lost arrow lying around.
  • - Setting Fix: Wondering what it does? Check the setting fix tab for more details, TL;DR, it will enable and disable settings optimal for botting to avoid any mistakes or human aid.
  • - Smart Hunting: Hunt wandering crabs when someone crashes your spot by running past you. The bot will attack your wandering crabs, toggle setting.
  • - Comprehensive Crab Spots: Currently supports Kourend Crab Island, Kourend Beaches, Fossil Island, Crabclaw Cave, and Catacombs of Kourend. Rock crab location will be next.
  • - Supported Crabs: Sand crabs, king sand crabs, Ammonite Crabs. Rock crabs are a WIP (work in progress), only usable with SYOT and manualr reset.
  • - All Food Support: Just start typing the name! If it is supported the food will auto complete if it isn't in the list let me know, I will add it :)
  • - Customizable Eating: Set your preferred HP threshold for automatic random eating, drag the slider to select the two numbers you would like to eat randomly at.
  • - Looting: Specify a start price for looting (e.g, 1k) to gather items with a value of 1k and higher. When the inventory is full, it will bank automatically.
  • - Gold Avoidance: Choose not to use gold for travel and the initial reset sequence for specific spots, only the (Kourend beaches). The script stops if crab island is selected as fighting location since it costs 10k to enter the island.
  • - Hopping Modes: Choose from Passive, Neutral, Aggressive, and Mayhem mode, a fit for every play style.
    • Passive, this will walk away from the current fight spot, ~3 tiles, and hops until a new spot is found without any players on it.
    • Neutral, stays on the fighting spot and keeps hoping if it doesn't enter combat in the new world
    • Aggressive, will fight back a little bit, when there are no crabs left on the spot out of combat and the player is also not in combat it will hop on its current tile.
    • Mayhem, this will just keep attack crabs and never hops, stay and slay.


~Gear Progression~

  • Armor progression is based on gear level: For instance, if you have iron armor selected but haven't equipped it yet, and your current Defense level falls within the steel level range (5 to 10) or higher, the script won't equip the iron armor. Instead, it'll only equip armor that falls within the current level range, for instance, steel level range mentioned above or black level range (10 to 20), if selected in the gear progression tab. So, after reaching Defense level 40 or higher, the script will always attempt to equip rune armor if the rune setting is selected, and it'll never equip armor below rune level. (TL;DR, the script only equips armor if it falls within the current level range.)
    • Armor types: For Iron up to and including Adamant, It will look for (lg) set gear, (full helm, kiteshield, platebody, platelegs).
      For rune (full helm, kiteshield, chainbody, platelegs).

  • Bows they work the same as armor progression.
  • Weapons: Weapon progression work differently, (e.g.) If you selected iron, but your current level is 5 or higher, and there is a wearable weapon of type steel (level 5) it will grab that weapon. Or if your attack is 20, but selected iron, and you have any mithril (level 20) weapon, it will grab that instead from the bank. Selecting iron up to abyssal-whip are just level triggers to start looking for the highest possible weapon. Scimitars are prioritized. More weapons can be included on request.

~(select your own tile)~


How does it work?:
To SYOT you just enter the XYZ of the tile you want to fight on and select use custom tile, what are the conditions for the tile?

  1. It must be next to a crab, like all pre-programmed positions.
  2. It must be within one of the areas drawn below in the pictures, the 'blue glow' if you don't want to worry about resetting yourself.
    1. The tile doesn't have to be in the blue areas, any crab in the world is valid, but to accomplish that, you must know how to align the script with the aggression chunks yourself. You must start in manual mode, when the script wants to run to the tile, pause it and do the reset by hand!
    2. To enter manual mode in the GUI, go to: start tab toggle 'Unlock advanced mode' Settings tab toggle 'advanced mode'.
    3. In this mode, I can't promise to hunt and find your bugs and issues, unless it can't reach or find a reset spot, it will look to reset every 10–11 minutes when aggression is lost. To help you, I must know the XYZ and need the log file.
    4. Don't know how to reset manually, and the spot is not within the zones below? Don't use it for now! A tutorial is done?.
    5. The initial reset if you don't use manual mode may take longer now because they aren't optimized for non-preselected tiles.
    6. gBA7RiO.pngqtvW75j.png4iUIYYh.png
    7. woxvSVd.png


~Setting Fix~

  1. Make sure you're not in combat, before starting!
  2. Mute all in game audio
  3. Disable profanity filter
  4. Enable PK Skull prevention
  5. Enable shift drop
  6. Enable escape close interface
  7. Hide roofs
  8. Disable Accept aid
  9. Disable make-x darts
  10. Disable store button
  11. Disable wiki lookup
  12. Disable activity adviser
  13. Disable accept trade delay
  14. Disable GE buy warning
  15. Disable GE sell warning
  16. Disable World switching confirmation
  17. disable level up interfaces





Save a profile and use these parameters:
-script 1207:PROFILE.filesave

Note that filesave, must be replaced with your saved profile name, without the .txt.
Save file location:
(e.g.) there is a file called, profile20DEF.txt

For the Osbot Manger Params use:

For CLI use:
-script 1207:PROFILE.profile20DEF

Just in case:

If you find any grammar mistakes or want to help me improve my text and explanation, please DM me. I would appreciate it if you could clearly explain to me what I did wrong, how, and why.

Edited by Wacky Jacky
patch: 1.063
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